Preference #3 Your First Date (Preference Part 3; Finale)

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You looked in the mirror for the millionth time that evening, and let out a sigh. You wanted to look perfect for Pete. You had never been to an 'exclusive party' before, but it sounded really fancy. In your mind, there would be hundreds of celebrities around, and waiters rushing around with little oeuvres on elaborate little trays.

Your doorbell rang, snapping you back to reality. You quickly tucked a loose strand of hair back into your fancy up-do, straightened your black cocktail dress, then raced to the door as fast as you could in your silver heels.

"Wow," Pete gushed once you let him inside. "You look gorgeous."

"Aw, thanks," you smile, allowing him to kiss your cheek. "You don't look too bad yourself, Mr.Wentz."

"Ready to go?"

"Whenever you are." You grabbed your purse, and his hand, and followed him to his car. About fifteen minutes later, the two of you pulled up to a nightclub, with loud music blasting from inside.

"This is it," he explained, helping you out of the car. "We're supposed to be meeting the other guys in the band. I really can't wait for you to meet them."

"I can't wait either," you agreed.

"Pete Wentz," he said to the bouncer, who was standing guard at the door.

"You're not on the list."

"Could you check again?" He asked, slight annoyance filling his voice. "I know I'm supposed to be here, with my band Fall Out Boy."

"Sorry sir, but Fall Out Boy has already entered."

"I'm in that band!" He cried out in anger. "It should say Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman and Pete Wentz.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Wentz. Once your group enters we can't let any other members in."

"Pete, it's okay," you try to reassure him, gently rubbing his back.

"No, it's not okay. Tonight was supposed to be perfect, and I fucked up."

"Hey, this isn't your fault," you reassure him. "It's more your friends fault for not waiting for you."

"Yeah... I guess it is."

"You know, our date doesn't have to be ruined. We could always find somewhere else to go."

"Like where?"

"Honestly, anywhere with you would be amazing."

"You're up for pizza then?"

Just as he promised, Patrick picked you up the next evening. You decided to wear the homemade Fall Out Boy shirt Trick got you a few days ago, and a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans. You slammed your feet into a pair of Converse, and raced to the driveway, to his car.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Patrick said. He quickly kissed your cheek, a slight blush forming across his cheeks. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm really excited. This movie looks really good."

"Yeah, kind of scary, don't you think?" He asked, pulling on to the road.

"Don't worry," you grinned. "You can hold my hand if you need to."

"Hey, I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to be saying that to you."

"Your sass is unappreciated, Mr.Stump," you manage to gasp between fits of laughter. You always had a great time with him.

When you arrived at the movie theater, Patrick insisted on buying you your ticket, along with your favorite candy, two sodas for the both of you, and a popcorn for you to share. Surprisingly, the theater wasn't as packed as you expected it to be. It wasn't necessarily empty, but it wasn't full either.

The movie ended up being much more scary than you realized, and you spent most of the film clinging to Patrick's arm, and burying your head into his chest, not that either of you minded. You were sad when the movie finally did end, because you two wanted to spend more time together.

"I had a really great time tonight," you gushed, as Patrick walked you on to you porch.

"Me too. We should do it again some time."

"Totally," you nod. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he slams his lips against yours.

"Thanks again (Y/N)," he smiles sheepishly. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course!" You grinned. The perfect ending to the perfect night.

"Um... before we end, there's one more song we'd like to play," Andy said, shocking half the audience. Usually, he was quiet during concerts and interviews, being the only-talking-when-talked-to type. "There's this girl I've been hanging out with for awhile, and I really like her, and I think she might really like me too. Actually, we might be on a date tonight. Anyways, (Y/N), this one is for you."

The band started playing Grand Theft Autumn, which brought a smile to your face. You knew something that nobody else in the crowd knew; the song was being played for you. You kept your eyes on Andy the whole time, the grin plastered on your face not going away.

"Thank you everyone!" The man you would soon know as Pete Wentz shouted into the microphone, causing the teen girls around you to screech. "Goodnight!"

You pushed your way through the current of people, attempting to make your way backstage. You flashed your pass to the guard, who let you inside the tiny dressing room, where the band was already waiting.

"Andy!" You squealed, throwing yourself at him. "You were amazing tonight."

"Aw, thanks Princess," he laughed, wrapping his bare arms around you. One of his band mates; the singer, who was wearing a fedora, awkwardly cleared his throat, waiting for you to be introduced. "Oh, yeah, (Y/N), these are my band mates, Joe, Pete and Patrick."

"It's really great to meet you guys," you smiled, sticking out your hand for them to shake.

"The feeling is mutual," Joe said. "We've heard a lot about you."

"Only good things, I hope."

"There's nothing bad to say about you," Andy flirted.

"You guys are grossing my out," Petr gagged. "Anyways, is anyone up for ice cream?"

"Vegan ice cream?" You questioned.

"If that's what you creatures want."

"Andy," you giggle. "I think I like your friends."

"Am I doing this right?" You asked, looking up at Joe with hopeful eyes. You knew learning an instrument was going to be hard, but you didn't think it would be this hard.

"Not quite," he chuckled. "Here let me help you." He went behind you, so your back was touching his chest, and he gently took your arms. He adjusted your grip on the neck of the guitar slightly, then began to strum, his body still pressed against yours.

He began to hum quietly to himself, and a few seconds later, you began to recognize the melody. It was Grand Theft Autumn, a song by his band. You hummed too, enjoying every minute of you two being so close together. When the song ended, you turned around, and he had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"See? You did it!"

"I'm not sure," you blushed. "Maybe you should show me again."

"Oh... OH!" He laughed. "Of course baby. I'll show you as many times as you need me too."

Hello! This is the last part for this group of preferences. It was really fun to write, because I can experiment with one situation, and four personalities.

Do you guys like long imagines, or do you prefers shorter ones, like, one or two paragraphs? Let me know, cause I'm writing this for you.

Goodbye for now, and thanks for reading!

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