Request #3 Pete & Joe Part 2 For the-veggie-thugpug, Stormwolf102, & xxalexdalxx

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"Mommy?" Bronx asked, looking up from his coloring book, which your mom had bought him. You and the two boys had been staying with your parents for a week, and Nana and Poppy loved to spoil their grandchildren, so the stay had been plentiful.

"Yes, Bronxy?" You answered, looking up from the your magazine.

"I miss Daddy," he sighed, putting down the purple crayon.

"Me too, baby."

"Then why did we leave him?"

"It's complicated, Bud."

"I bet I could understand," he grinned, moving a marker out of Saint's reach. You scooped up his younger brother, and plopped him down into his playpen. "I'm a big boy, remember?"

"I remember," you nodded. "It's just that Daddy hurt Mommy."

"Like Batman hurts the Joker?"

"No, not like that," you laughed at the analysis. "He really hurt my feelings," you attempted to explain in a way that he would understand.

"I heard him yelling at you," he noted.

"Yeah, he was."

"But you still love Daddy, right?"

"Of course, baby. I'll always love Daddy."

"Promise?" He looked up at you with hopeful eyes.

"I pinky promise."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Saint squealed in excitement, as you stood up to answer the door, since your father was at work, and your mother was making dinner. Standing in the doorway was Pete, holing a bouquet of red roses, and a box of your favorite chocolates.

"Daddy!" Bronx squealed, wrapping his leg in hug. The younger boy screeched even louder from the playpen.

"Pete, what are you doing here?"

"(Y/N), I came to talk to you," he explained. You could hear the desperation in his voice. "I've been a wreck without you and the boys. I'm so sorry. I need you in my life."

"Bronx, how about you go ask Nana if you can help with dinner?"

"But I want to see Daddy," he pouted.

"I promise you can see him once we're done talking."

"Fine," he stormed off to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"Your forgiveness. I'm so sorry I didn't take my medicine that night. I'm so sorry I yelled at Bronx, and that I left him to deal with Saint, and that I pushed you. I was rude, and I promise it will never happen again. You and the boys are my number one priorities, I swear."

"It's not all your fault," you admitted. "You could have just had a bad day, and I didn't think of that. Bronx certainly isn't perfect, as much as we love him, and he could have just done something wrong. I shouldn't have just assumed that you didn't take your medicine."

"So, am I forgiven?"

"Only if you forgive me."

"Then it looks like we're both in luck," he grinned, pulling you into a hug.

"Daddy, Mommy? Nana wants me to let you know that dinner's ready."

"Okay, Buddy. We'll be there in a minute."

"I got to help!" He beamed proudly. "I even got to set the table!"

"Very cool!" Pete praised him. "You start eating, and we'll join you in a few minutes."

"Kay!" He nodded, skipping to the dining room.

"How about after we eat we pack up my stuff? I'm ready to come home."

"Good," he kissed your forehead and took your hand. "It's been hell without you."

"I'm sure he'll be back," Patrick tried to convince you, placing a cup of hot chocolate in your trembling hands.

"Defiantly," Pete agreed, sitting down next to you. "I mean, he's never talked about any girl other than you."

"Well, it's not normal to brag about the girl you're cheating on your girlfriend with," you muttered, rubbing at your eyes.

As soon as Joe left last night, you pulled on a pair of sweatpants, along with a t-shirt that he left in the back of his closet, and cried yourself to sleep. Part of you was proud of yourself; you stood up to Joe, and told him that you weren't going to take his crap anymore. The other part of you wished that you didn't say anything, and that you put up with him for a bit longer.

"Can we get you anything else, (Y/N)?" Andy asked, sitting on the other side of you, and rubbing your back.

"He took everything with him," you ignored him. "He's not coming back."

"He didn't take everything," Pete motioned to your shirt.

"Fine, he took everything but a stupid shirt. Why would he leave everything but a-" the intercom in your apartment buzzing to life interrupted you mid-sentence.

"Ms.(Y/L/N)?" The secretary's voice filled the apartment. "You have a visitor."

"Send them up," you told her. A moment later, there was a knock on your door. Patrick got up to get it, and Joe was standing in the hallway.

"Can I talk to (Y/N), please?" He asked.

"Sure," Andy nodded.


"Oh, right," Patrick chuckled nervously. "We'll be in the lobby if you need us." With that, they got up and left.

"You made a decision?"

"Yeah, I did," he nodded. "There's only one girl that I want to spend my life with. She's smart, funny, amazing... I could go on and on. I love everything about her, especially the things she hates about her self. In fact, those are my favorite things about her. I owe her an apology, because I've been dishonest with her for a very long time."

"Well, I hope she's happy," you sniffed, wiping at your eyes before he could see your tears.

"(Y/N)," he laughed, pulling you into chest. "I choose you."

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