Chapter 13: Papers

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- Uhhm.... And how do you know each other? Aly, you never talked to me about Devante before, it's weird.

I left the chance to Devante to invent the way we had met before. We have to admit: ̎I brought your best friend in a warehouse when I lived in Toronto and I whipped her a dozen times because I had to hurt others ̎ didn't fit in a conversation with friends.

- When she went to Toronto with her family 6 years ago, we met in a café and I got to know her family. We didn't stay in contact, it's funny to see how small the world is! Devante invented never taking his eyes off me.

- Oh that's cool! So Devante, Alyson says she's horrible at hockey but I feel like she's getting better, so if you want you can help me make her understand that she is far from being.....

- No Uhhm, I feel weird, I think I'm going to go back home. Maybe it's my hypothermia or I don't really know what but I would rather go relax. I'm sorry, I'll text you later, I told him while putting my bottes back on.

I put away my skates then I gave Jack a hug before giving Devante one last look. He was still looking at me with attention like if he was trying to destabilize me. I wouldn't let him see the fear that had been haunting me for the last six years, I lifted my head up and walked straight forward to get to my house.
I arrived in front of my home door and took my key out, unlocked the door, took the snow off of my bottes and then went in with the bag I had left at Jacobs but that I had went to go get on my way back.

- Hi, Alyson?

- Mom??

I didn't expect to see my mom home especially in the middle of the week.

- How are you honey? she asked me while giving me a kiss on the cheek and while giving me hug.

- Uhhm... Good, but what are you doing home? You're not working?

- Oh, I knew you had the day off today, I thought that...Well, that we could spend time together.

Oh no no no no no... everything but that, I had to find an excuse. Jacob was with Devante and  I didn't want to invite myself to his house when he wasn't there. So I had to spend the day with my mom.

- Oh ok, I told her while trying to had some excitement in my voice.

You guys have to understand that my mom and I don't have a nice relationship. She tried to show me she loves me but it only created embarrassment. She didn't know how to go about it. We didn't spend fun time together because there wasn't any fun to have together.

- I'm going to start a wash and then I'm all yours! she told me before walking off with the dirty laundry basket.

I went in my room and took my guitar. I had a binder I would put all the songs I knew in. I could mix harmony and arpeggio together without a problem, even if I had never taken a class. I felt good when my fingers would pass on the strings to make sound that create melody that would relax me. When I played, I was in my bubble, no one could bother me before I had finished my song.

My mom came into my room I the middle of me playing  ̎Amnesia ̎ by 5 seconds of summer. She knew she could be able to talk to me before I had finished my melody so she sat on my bed and listened to me. 

- It was amazing sweetie, she told me when I finished playing my last note.

- Thanks mom.

- Listen, I don't really know how to talk to you. I don't know what to do to make you happy because even though I try it doesn't change anything. I would love to see you smile like before and see you love life... I would really like to help you, but my efforts stay vain and I understand I don't have any talent in comforting people. I would like you to forgive me for not being able to do anything.  I can always refer you to a psychologist.

- But what do you all have with psychologists?? I don't want to confide myself to a stranger. He knows nothing about what I think of it would help me. You guys have to leave me alone and stop worrying, I cut her off to say.

- But it's normal that we worry, we love you Alyson. You can't keep yourself closed off.

- Jacob is there for me.

- But he is started to be there less since he's playing for the Canadiens!

- But he is still my best friend and he swore to me he would never abandon me!

- Maybe you would need another ear. The point of view of a professional.

- No! Get out of my room please. I think we are done talking.

She did as I said with her head down. I needed to be alone... honestly, I would have loved to be able to talk to a friend. Hazel had gone shopping with her cousin and Jacob was still with Devante... I had only one more person in mind. But I didn't want to bother him. Whatever, I had to understand the weird reaction he had the other night.

I took my iPhone I looked in my bag to find the piece of paper where my idol had written his phone number. I still couldn't believe it... why had he done that? I was sure he didn't do the same trick to every fan he met. I emptied everything that was in my bag on my bed but no sign of what I was looking for. I looked in the jeans I was wearing that night but nothing in the pockets either. Panic started taking over. There was no way I was losing that piece of paper. I couldn't see myself seeing Brendan Gallagher again and asking him for his number again because I had lost it and that I would like to talk to him. No. I tried concentrating to remember the movements I had done to find that paper with the number of number 11 of the Montreal Canadiens.

I finally remembered my thoughts of yesterday night when I had met Brendan: I had put the paper I was looking for in the right pocket of the sweater I was wearing so it was probably still there.

I quickly went down to look in the dirty laundry basket: It was empty. Oh no. I had completely forgot.

- Mom! I screamed from the laundry room where I was looking at my sweater turning in the soapy water, helpless.

- Don't scream like that! What's wrong? she answered me while joining me.

- Did you look in the pockets of my grey sweater before washing it? Did you find a piece of paper?

- Uhhm... No I don't turn all the pockets inside out of every piece of clothing so you know how much time that would take me?

- No sorry... You're sure?

- Yes Alyson. But why is that paper so important for you?

- No matter why it was very important.

- So that's going to mean there is going to be full of little pieces of paper on all the clothes! Look in your pockets before putting them in the dirty laundry! I've told you plenty of times! And if it's so important why didn't you think about it earlier.

- All you do is get mad at me!

I went up to my room. My mom never understood me.

What do I do now?

Chapter 13!!!! I hope you had a great day, I've put titles to the chapters, I found this more interesting for you:) Ly!

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