Chapter 3: I'm not sick

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That sentence made me think. Jacob was always very optimistic but... I always told him everything, he knew everything about me, on my past, on my present... Well almost everything. He advised me, supported me, but ever since he joined the big club, I missed him terribly. He would come back as often as he could to see his mother. We often went out to the movies, Starbucks, the park, the skating rink were he would always have to help me because clumsy like I am, I had no talent on skates. I loved practicing every sport even if I play passionately at each and every one of them, I still suck. Even worst, I wouldn't get any better even with all the hours I would practice. We could say sports doesn't like me like I like it. But I had the best teacher possible. Incredibly patient and would always smile, finding positivity everywhere. He had a good influence on me, and my dark ideas. But, he couldn't say nothing happened for nothing because he knew everything, he knew I wouldn't get through this. Jacob De La Rose inspired me enormously with his devotion and altruism. Don't go making up stuff: Jacob is like my big brother, he is my best friend and will never be anything more than that.

- Hey, are you going to be okay? He asked me after a long moment of silence, both of us lost in our thoughts.

- I don't know Jack. I need you. I really need you. I answered looking in his eyes.

- I'm here Aly. I won't let you down and you know that.

He bent down for a hug and I returned the favor with all the energy I had. I moved over to give him room in my small hospital bed. He laid down by my side. I was plugged to all kinds of bags that were filled with liquid that replaced the food I needed and didn't have the force to keep. I laid on his chest, a hand clutched to his white shirt like if he could disappear at any given moment. I closed my eyes, savouring the sensation of his hand playing in my tangled hair. I was due for a shower but to be honest I didn't really care.

- How much time have I been here?

- Three days.

- And you? How much time have you been at my bedside?

- Three days as well. I missed my practices for you Aly. I was so worried. But I have to leave tonight. There's a game at seven and since my spot isn't guaranteed on the team I have to go.

- Don't worry about me.

- I still have a few hours so...

- Get me out of here.

- What!?

- You understood me. Get me out of here. I don't want to stay here in a hospital bed like if I was sick. I am not sick.

- Alyson, listen: You're maybe not ready to leave. You were outside for two hours in the freezing cold without any protection. You were laying in the snow. The hypothermia reached a very high level.... You're lucky that someone came and saved you, I think you would be dead if it wasn't for him and I can't bare to think of that.

I answered him with my silence. I had to get out of there or I would go crazy.

- Wait here, I'll go ask. He concluded, finally.

- Thanks Jack.

I moved over to let him get up. He walk over to the doctor keeping the door in the hallway. I fell asleep against my will..... and I had a very strange dream.

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