Chapter 7: Habits

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I didn't know if I should talk to Jacob about my dream. What could it of meant? Probably nothing at all like all the dreams where it was raining macaroni in a lemonade sea: that had no meaning. However, I had the feeling that the dream meant something...Was is a projection of the future? Wow, my hypothermia left me after-effects.
- Hey, do you feel any better? Jacob asked me.
- Yes, I'm getting my strength back.
- Because I have a pair of tickets for tonight's game. Do you think you can go with someone else? It would do you good, it could take your mind off what has happened in the last week.
- Oh, you know I would never miss a chance to go to the Bell Center Jack! I'll go with Hazel.
Hazel was my best friend it's been three years now. I changed schools in the middle of 9th grade and she has been there to help me adapt myself. She has always supported me the best she could. It made me feel bad for her knowing that her efforts had no effects on me. She had tried so hard for me to get threw it but the problem was too big. We liked the same things, we think exactly the same. We knew each other by heart. I succeeded to convert her to a Canadiens fan. She was less addicted then me but loved going to see games with me. The atmosphere was incredible and it was an activity that made us get out of our normal high school student everyday life. After every game, we waited for Jacob near the locker room to drive him home (and drive me home after that). Jacob De La Rose didn't like driving so we were pleasing him by carpooling all three of us together. Jacob and Hazel got along well. Driving the half hour we had between us and the Bell Centre together made me clear my mind and I would change those moment for anything.
I took my phone and texted Hazel:

To: Hazel💕
From: Me
Hey, are you busy tonight?

To: Me
From: Hazel💕
Hum... No why?

To: Hazel💕
From: Me
Jack has a pair of tickets for the game.

To: Me
From: Hazel💕
Perfect! I'll be at your place at 4:30PM!
~End of conversation~

What I liked about Hazel is that she was super comfortable with everyone without being to annoying or sweltering. Everyone she met loved her because of her kindness and her contagious smile.
At 4:30PM exactly Hazel knocked at Jacob's door. He put down the controller for NHL15 and went up the stairs to go open the door for our friend. I followed him taking my time so they could have a little bit of privacy. No, they weren't a couple (yet) but I could see that there was something between them and it made me happy.

~ Jacob's point of view ~

I went up the stairs four by four to go open the door for Hazel. We knew each other through the intermittence Alyson since she was my best friend but also Hazel's. From our first meeting, I fell for her charming personality. She was so generous and didn't take anyone else's place but she had her own at the same time. Plus, she was simply magnificent. She stayed naturel and I love that in a girl. I hated women who hid behind a tone of makeup and other products. All the surgery and extensions. No Thanks.
- Always on time miss Hazel. I said opening the door for her and not giving her anytime to say anything.
- We keep our good old habits right? She said while coming in.
I hugged her and she did the same. I always had this feeling in my stomach when we were so close. I didn't want to do the first move since I was shy and I wanted to be sure she felt the same way.
She sat on the couch with Hazel while I was taking a piece of chicken and some pesto pasta for my super. I took an apple before meeting the girls in the living room. That's what my pre-game routine looked like.
I told the girls I was ready and I took my coat and my keys. The girls did the same and Hazel went out to get her car that was normally white but it was brown at the moment and there was the winter to thanks. Alyson finished tying her shoes and put her real coat on, she had left the strangers coat at her house. When she was ready, I went out and locked the door behind my friend. I locked the door sensing her eyes on me. She waited for me like always, she had always done it. I put my key away still facing the door and I turned around quickly and took my friends bare hands.
- Alyson, have fun tonight. Forget your problems and have fun. Whatever the final score is, I want you to only have happiness tonight. Do it for me.
She hesitated a little bit and it made me hold her hands even tighter.
- Okay, I'll try.
- Thanks Aly. I love you and don't forget it.
- I love you too Jack. Thanks for everything.
The conversation finished with a hug that got interrupted by the honking of Hazel's car telling us to hurry up. I gave Alyson my nicest smile, which made her laugh for the first time in a long time. It made me feel good hearing her laugh even if it was for a short time. Alyson was incredible and I knew she had the strength to get through this. She only needed a little bit of support.

~ Alyson's point of view~

I laughed because of my friend's mischievous smile. I don't know what I would do without him. Jacob was so important for me.... But Brendan was even more important. I know, you're going to tell me that I never talked to him where as Jacob has been in my life for ever, but it wasn't the same. No one knew at what point I admired Brendan. I wanted to meet him so bad, to talk to him, tell him how much he meant to me but I didn't want to do anything because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable and..... Because I didn't want to break anyone's heart when I would leave. Even if I doubt someone would love me like that.

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