Oliver: The Doctor Attacks!

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Chapters are now being scheduled. Authors note at the bottom.


Title: The Doctor Attacks!

Warning(s): Language, Meddling siblings, BoyxBoy and Doctor Who references (which, by the way, I obviously don't own, much to my disappointment...).



“Despite popular belief, my life isn’t a piece of cake. My family tends to focus on me, instead of focusing on their own issues. They focus on me because I’m ‘being bullied’ and I’m ‘sensitive about my height’ (which I’m not, by the way) and I have a fucking ‘anger issue’. I don’t. Just because I have a short temper, doesn’t mean I need anger management! I mean, if I have to sit through one more yoga class, or talk to one more cross-dressing psychology major, I will go on a fucking rampage!

Why can’t they leave me to do my own thing and focus on someone like, oh, I don’t know, Samantha? She’s the fucking suicidal one – or, at least it seems like it. After what I saw yesterday with Pete, it seems like it. I mean, she isn’t eating, she isn’t sleeping, and she locks herself up in her room all day doing nothing. I mean, she doesn’t even hop on Facebook! She used to be addicted to that shit.

And Soccer! Don’t get me started on that! Soccer was her life, and now she’s suddenly quit! The guys on the team are worried sick about her, and –

I don’t know. I guess we’re just worried about her. No one knows what to do.

Fuck, I wish mum and dad were here to do something about it. It’s times like this when we need their guidance.”

(End of recording).

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I am ecstatic. Today, I had a date for the first time in almost a year, and I was determined for everything to go well. You may not know this, but I have the worse history when it comes to men – I suppose it doesn’t help that my siblings, save for Sam and Liz, practically stalk my potential partners. To be honest, I have a bit of a reputation because of it, and let me tell you, it isn’t even a good one!

They will interrogate any guy who even thinks of asking me out. They will make them squirm and squeeze out any secrets they’re hiding, and once they’re done, they’ll throw them to the side and give them a ‘kind’ warning to stay the fuck away from me.

If that doesn’t work, they crash my date. I mean, the last time that happened, Peter and Leo pretended to be French waiters at a fucking Mexican restaurant, of all places. It was pathetic and totally embarrassing. I mean, I’m not even the youngest, and they still insist on ‘protecting’ me from the hands of mankind.

Can’t a guy date in peace?












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