Lucinda: Video 1, Week 1

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Lucinda: Sunday, January 3rd, 11:00am. Week 1 of video diary.


"Hey, I'm Lucinda Quinn – but please don't call me that; it's too... 'posh', so please stick with Lucy.

As you should know, I am seventeen years old and I start my senior year next month. It's pretty exciting, actually. I get to start the TAFE course I applied for, this year. In case you're wondering, TAFE would be the equivalent to College in the states, if this video ever reaches that far…

Who knows? Anyway, I'm doing that course instead of a seventh class this year at high school. I'm doing a course in Environmental Studies. As Liz said, I am saving the environment, one step at a time! God, I hope so! My last step was having Liz incorporate vegan attributes into our meals. Everyone hates it – well, except Liz, although I think she's pretending to enjoy it for my sake. She rocks as a sister.

Speaking of Sisters… I wonder what's up with Sammy. Is she still upset about Jared? I had no idea she was dating him, when he asked me out – or was I dating him first? I really don't know… I mean, I would totally ask, but she barely leaves her room. I am so worried about her… well, we all are. I mean, she even quit the soccer team! I know the boys miss her.

Oh well, not much we can really do about it. I suppose she'll snap out of whatever angst she's in eventually.

And I noticed that Ollie has bumped up the sarcasm since we last spoke about it. Maybe I'll take him to one of my yoga classes. They are so relaxing, and boy, does Oliver need to relax! And –"

(Phone Rings)








"OH MY GOD! Stacy just called and apparently someone's abandoned a litter of puppies at the park. I totally have to go. Later!"

(End of recording).

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