Chapter 3

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"Jesus Christ" he said I didn't notice he has tears in his beautiful eyes. He didn't even bother wiping it. He didn't careless that I was here seeing him crying. For some men crying in front of a girl is a sign of weakness or for some girls it means that he's gay. But this.. This makes my heart shattered. I don't like seeing him like this and knowing it was my fault. It hurt me into the deepest core. Seeing him burying his face on my daughter's neck hugging her tighter makes my heart clenched. This is all your fault Bella. You did all this mistake. It's your fault your daughter didn't have a father in her four years. It's all your fault he's crying right now in front of you. It's all your fault. Yes this my fault

I agree with my thoughts. This is all my fault I saw Renesmee crying. This is all my faut Lily grew up without a mother. This is all my fault Edward is crying. This is all my fault in the first place. Seeing eyebeags under his beautiful eyes. He looked skinnier. But besides that he still look an angel to me.
He still look like my Greek God.

After staring at them for a moment I felt someone poking my tummy. "Mommy?" I look down at lily. I kneel down at her height then smile.

"Yes honey?"
"Don't you want to give Daddy a kiss?" She asked smiling. I hide my frown with a smile.
I don't want them to have separated parents I don't want that for them. But I can't kiss him after what he have than. It's like I just have the phone call yesterday. The bruise in my heart that was healing for four year is new again. It's like there was never a four years of hiding.

"maybe later?" I wiped my tears then carry her as she ask me too. I face the glass wall again. I can't bare to see them cry in front of me. I watched the birds fly in the sky with freedom. I wish I was one of them. I wish I could fly away from the problems I couldn't fix. But what is life without problems? How would you know that you lived when you didn't love or even get hurt from love?

"Mommy?" I look down at lily who is looking up at me. "Hmmm?"
"Do you love me?" I smile at her then nodded.
I kissed her nose "of course I love you"

Before I hear him I feel him. He's beside me. I stiffen. "Bella" He cried beside me. I didn't move. It's hurts me hearing him. I saw his reflection on the wall again. He's hesitating to hold me. I look at him in the eyes at his reflection. I can see pain in those beautiful eyes. He has his arms encircle my waist his hands resting on my stomach. My back met his chest. It feels so good to be back in his arms. I've been craving for it since I left.

"Edward" saying his name after four years is foreign to me. I lean my head on lily's. I'm weak. I can't bare situations like this. Especially if it's my family. I feel sparks when Edward burried his face on my neck causing me to sob harder. Renesmee wasn't in his arms. I slide lily down slowly down my body. Can't put her down without bending when Edward face is on my neck. "Go play with nessie"

Edward kept sobbing on my neck. My hands covered his drawing patterns. I didn't know that In was doing the opposite of what was in my mind a few years ago. I trace circles with my index finger on his arms playing with the small hair he has. Feeling his warmth made me want for more. The from his nose that he's breathing makes tingling sensation inside me. Making some goosebumps even.

For a moment I wanted to tell him how much I had missed him. How much I want to kiss him. How much I love him. The silence between as wasn't awkward. Because we heard lily and Renesmee's laughing and giggling whenever the castle they are building from legos falls down. It was music to my ears. But Edwards still sobbing isn't what I wanted to hear. I want to hear his beautiful voice laughing not sobbing. I want to see him smiling not frowning. I want to see him happy not miserable.

I heard a ring from somewhere and a buzzing noise. From the outside. Then there was a knock. I look at the door but it didn't open. "Mr.Cullen, Ms.Tanya called saying she's coming over" Edward suddenly stiffen by the word Tanya. I stopped drawing circles. I look up at the ceiling seeing a beautiful chandelier. Please tell me I'm dreaming please
Please.. Looking up preventing my tears to fall down didn't help. I guess there was no point of looking up when the tears are already falling.

This is what I don't want to talk to him. It'll break me again and again anad again. It's just the cycle of my life. I love, I got hurt , I feel broke , I forgive and forget then Love again. There's nothing new.


Hey Guys! Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I want to thank everyone for voting and commenting. This may be the last chapter I'll be updating for the week. I've been squeezing my brain for ideas and I need to rest. I've been not feeling well lately. Anyways I have an idea for the story and you might want to buy some patience in the store . Just wait for it when the right time comes.

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