is this the end of us?

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after that week of nothing interesting to be honest I was finally going home. I met this boy there, his name was Bryce. he was like me, he was pretty chill. he left the day before but I got his number. so I packed up my stuff and walked towards the door. I walked through the halls and sighed a sigh of relief. I'm done being sad. I'm done feeling dead . I want to be free. I saw jack and Alex turned around. I dropped my bag and ran up to them and jumped on Alex's back
"guess whoooo" I whisper in his ear

he grabbed me and spun me around
"halo halo halo I missed you I missed you I missed you" he said and kissed my forehead.

"no love for jack" jack whined

"awe jack I missed you too" I sighed and went and hugged him.

we walked to the car and when we got in jack whispered to Alex
"are you gonna tell her or am I"

"I heard that ! tell me what?"
I screamed

Alex sighed "Max came by the house looking for you, he thought you were joking. he wanted to come visit you but we wouldn't allow it. he left a note"

when we got to the house I ran upstairs and threw my stuff seeing a note placed right on top of my bed

to hazel, the most beautiful girl I know.

dear hazel,
I apologize greatly for the way I acted. I don't want you to leave me, I want you I love you I love you and I don't want anyone to change that please skype me when you get home.

I sighed and grabbed my Laptop and pressed call as I put some stuff away.
he answered and smiled

"hello beautiful" he smiled

"hey." I have smiled

"how was it ?"

"it was great. I meant this cool guy named Bryce, he gave me his number we might be hanging out soon." I smiled

"great a boy to take you away from me " he sighed sarcastically

"really Max. grow up."

"I'm sorry that I want my girlfriend to be mine."

"we aren't even dating ?"

"will you go out with me ?"

"yes but please stop this." I sighed

we ended the call soon after and I felt uneasy .

the boys ordered pizza and I was texting Max a lot.

he was asking me weird questions like
- are you a virgin ?
- do the curtains match the drapes ?
- do you shave down there ?
and I wouldn't answer because I felt violated to be honest . it was none of his business .
but then he had the audacity to ask me how much I weigh after I said something about being insecure about my body.
I said no.
he said "if you loved me you'd tell me"
so I stopped replying .

I should have ended it right then and there . I should have told Alex . but I decided to go for a walk and clear my mind.

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