crying & coraline & a nice boy

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Authors note: I apologize for the lack of updates, my grandma was just diagnosed with skin cancer and I'm kind of a wreck . but here ya go.
(triggers warning)

I hummed a match into water as I walked upstairs with tons of snacks. when I was ran into and hit the ground with a thump .

"jackkkkk." I sigh

"I is sorry." he smiles

"I told you to wait if be back."

"I need something." he smiles

"okay I'm gonna go wait for you."

he runs down the stairs and I plop onto his bed and see coraline is on Netflix ready to be played .

I see jack and he has a six pack of beer. go figure.

jack pressed play and he cracked open beer.

"hit me up with one of those." I say without thinking

"uhh your definitely not 21 halo."

"I don't care dammit give me a beer."

"halo Alex will kill me."

"it's not like I never drank before." I snort

"whatever." jack hands me one and I drink it fast feeling the familiar warmth in my stomach.

when the spider lady thing comes out in coraline jack screams and turns it off.

"I'm done nope no nope." jack squeals

"let's go do something." I whine

"like what?" he smiles evilly

"I kinda want to dye my hair." I smile

"let's do it broski." he smiles

we head to your everyday Walmart and buy a light bluish greenish dye.

we get home and sneak upstairs into my bathroom and start to dye my hair, until jack sees something .

"why is there a little bit of blood on the floor right here ?" jack asks

"oh I cut my foot last night and I guess I didn't clean it all up." I lied convincingly

"oh okay ." jack smiles

we finished dying it and woah it was bad ass .

"shit." jack looked alarmed

"what." I sounded panicked

"we forgot to tell Alex."

"eh whatever, we gotta irritate him sometimes."

"halo, jack dinner!" Alex screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

"okay." we sing together

I quickly threw all of my hair In a beanie and laughed at how stupid I look .

we walked down stairs and Alex raised his eyebrow at my hat.

"where's yo hair." he laughed

"DEFINITELY NOT GONE." jack chuckled nervously and Alex looked worried

"I still have hair ." I laughed

"then what are you hiding?" he pushes

"you caught me, I'm in the Penguin mafia." I raise my hands in surrender and everyone chuckles and Alex smirks and pulls the beanie off

"HAZEL." he screams

"ahh shit." i whisper

"what did you do to your hair dammit." his face getting red

"well you see I dyed it."

"without my permission?"

"it's my hair, I'm aloud to do whatever I want."

"yes but until your 18 and can live on your own you ask my permission."

"why your not my dad, my dads dead, my moms dead." I screamed

"GO TO YOUR ROOM DAMMIT." Alex screamed and scared everyone in the room

"I'd be better off dead." I scream running

"IT WOULD MAKE MY LIFE SLOT EASIER IF YOU WERE DEAD HAZEL." he screamed and I slammed my door

I'm better off dead
my mom didn't care
my dads dead
Alex doesn't care
no one cares
forever silence
forever sad

I grabbed my smiles and threw my blade in the pack and crawled out the window and ran down the street . I found a little park a couple blocks over and say on the swing . I light a smoke and inhaled the pain reliever . after a couple drags I decided to meet with my ol pal mr. blade I dug and dug down my thigh trying to feel something, anything . until someone grabbed my hand . a boy about my age, tall, lanky, chocolate brown hair, and big green eyes the melted your heart.

"why do the most beautiful people feel the most pain?" he asks with tears in his eyes

I look at him wondering what he meant

"please don't cause this pain on yourself ."

"I don't even know you."

"Max, and you ?"

"halo, wait uh hazel." I grimace at the nickname Alex gave me .

"well hazel what has caused you so much pain that you decide to put pain upon yourself."

"well. you see I'm adopted , by these great people , except one of them helped me dye my hair today and Alex he's my "dad" and he got really mad and told me I was better off dead because it would make his life easier ."

"angry people tend to say things they don't mean. things they regret almost instantly . things they regret sometimes to late. he loves you okay ? who couldn't? you're gorgeous and it seams you have an amazing music taste" but there's a distant look in his eyes like he's remembering something

"I've never told anyone this . but last year. I was 15. I had an amazing girlfriend , I loved her a lot. we were fighting one night . she kind of scared me sometimes . I said goodbye and she said if I left she would kill herself. and I left . you know what I said ? go ahead . that's the most awful thing ever . I'm a horrible person . I didn't believe her. so I went home . about three hours later I get the call from her mom . Max baby ashton jumped off a bridge . my heart broke . and it was all my fault because I said something I didn't mean ". (kinda based off of a super natural episode whoops .) he started to cry and all I could do was hug him .

"um I think I need stitches." I look at my thigh pissed at myself

"it's not the bad I can fix you up if you come with me. my mom is at work." he smiles still crying a little .

my phone rings and I look and see Alex on the screen and I turn it off . Max frowns

"I'm not ready to talk yet ." I sigh

"it's okay darling." he smiles and we walk into his house where I sit on a counter and he puts all sorts of gauze and peroxide on it . he taps my good thigh and says

"your all set ."

"thank you for everything ." I smile

"no problem. but give my your number so if you need to talk again I gottchu ." he smiles and takes my phone and puts his contact in as

Max the sexy one 😏

"wow ." I laugh and we walk out the door and walk to my house .

" thank you again ." I smile and he chuckles

"no problem." he kisses my cheek and walks away .

now to face the hell in about to walk into. triple fuck.

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