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after the extremely awkward events of last night I went to bed and I woke up to a pair of big brown eyes peeking at me

"Alexander William Garskarth I demand to know why you are awakening me from my slumber" I groan

"up up up my love you have therapy" Alex chirped

I groaned

"tut tut tut you promised" Alex waved his finger at me

"ah fuck you mate." I groan pulling the covers over my head.

"you have one hour to be ready. if you're not ready you're going in your pajamas, I love you ." Alex smiled

"have I told you how much you make me want to drink bleach ?" I laughed

"just get up dweeb." he chuckled and left my room

I sighed and rolled onto the floor with a thud.

I didn't try to tame my unruly curly rad hair that mimicked The chick from Braves hair. I sighed not even trying to brush it because I know it would only make it frizzer. I threw a beanie on and put on a little bit of make up.

I grabbed my black skinnies that were ripped all the way up . I grabbed a "to write love on her arms" tank top and paired it with a purple and black flannel .

"you have 10 minutes halo" Alex said peaking his head through the door as I put on my black chucks.

I jumped down the steps two at a time and collided right into zack. a gross sweaty zack to be exact

"ew ew ew zack get your sweaty ass off of me" I cried from the ground

"sorry I was at the gym" he grunted

"yeah I know, when are you not at the gym Jesus ?" I laughed as he pulled my off the ground

"I like to be in shape" he chuckled

"yeah me too , round is a shape." I patted my stomach

"halo lets go !" Alex called walking out the door

"coming " I called smiling at zack walking out the door.

*insert drive to therapy office because I'm v lazy*

"hazel gaskarth?" a lady called out after we sat in the waiting room

Alex and I stood up and walked towards the woman

"hi hazel my name is Emile" the pretty lady said

"uh hi yeah I'm hazel and this is Alex ." I stuttered awkwardly

"well you can come with me and Alex you can sit outside the door until we need you" Emile smiled with kind eyes

I sat on an old couch and bit my nails nervously

"so I know this is weird, but I have to ask you a bunch of yes or no questions to see what I can do to help you." Emile smiled

"have you ever done drugs"?"


"have you been abused, mentally or physically?"


"do you sometimes feel like your life is not needed in the world."


"are you having any sexual relationships Right now or ever ?"


"have you ever self harmed or caused pain on yourself purposely ?"

my breaths quickened "yes"

"have you ever contemplated suicide?"


"have you ever made a plan to kill
yourself ?"


"have you ever attempted to kill yourself ?"

"yes" I mumbled

she gave me a sad smile and asked some more random questions

"do voices in your head talk to you ?"

"uh no."

"do you have a hard time in social settings "


"okay well first off tell me about yourself. goals, interests, and so forth."

"well my names hazel lotus grey gaskarth. I'm really short for being 14. I turn 15 in one week on Halloween. i love music . I have this great friend named Max and I think I love him . my favorite color is black even though it's not a color. I hate all of my blood family. I'm very observant . and I love writing and adventures."

"well my name is Emile smalls and I'm 32. I have 2 beautiful children. one is 11 and the other is 6. I lost my husband a year ago to leukemia. I miss him very much . I have a dog named George. and I love my job ."

"I'm sorry for your loss miss."

"it's okay thank you. now that we know a little bit about each other tell me why your here."

"well Alex thought it would be a good idea after talking to him about stuff."

"but why are you here?"

"I'm sick of this. being so damn sad. ruining my skin. what the hell am I supposed to tell my children when they see all these scars lining my skin . I want to get better . I'm o this stupid medication but it doesn't work . I'm so sad. and I feel so gross. I want to kick depressions ass." I started to cry

Adopted by Alex GaskarthOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora