"Get away from her! "

"I can't believe you betrayed us Simon.", Ally's heartbroken voice rang out.

A heavy boot collided with the side of my chest, making blood pour of out the wounds I previously got.

His scar mocked me as his face hovered over mine.

"Well girls. Looks like I will be getting my revenge after all. Simon stay with them, I'll be back shortly from the car."

Simon took out a pistol and nodded.

Once the Ruthless came back, he had a bat that looked extremely heavy and a video camera.

"I want to capture this moment so I hope you don't me filming this. Not that I care about what you think."

The man made his way towards me and kept hitting every part of my torso, at least until a voice rang out.

"Stop. Stop this right now!"

I turned towards the voice and saw Simon pointing his gun at the cynical man.

The Ruthless smacked Simon hard against his knee dropping him to the floor.

After a couple more seconds another gun shot rang out.

"Simon!" Normani's voice rang out as she made her way by his side.

He sat there drenched in blood.... just not his own. His arms were putting pressure on his hurt knee.

"I'm fine Normani. I didn't get shot. But the problems gone now." He said while gesturing a few feet away from him.

The Ruthless layed a few feet away, no longer breathing.

Shuffling feet hurried across the polished floor and hands took mine into their own.

Through my watery eyes, her emerald eyes still seemed to gleam bright.

I could tell she was trying to be strong as her sniffles held back more tears.

She frowned when she realized that none of my wounds were healing and my blood wasnt slowing down .

"Y/N what's going on? Y/N! Talk to me."

The girls must have overheard because soft sobs filled the room.

I squeezed back her hand reassuringly and offered a small smile.

"She's gone Lauren. I can't fight this on my own."

Tears streamed down her face freely and I didn't know what hurt me more. The pain I felt physically or the pain I felt deep inside, within me.

"What do you mean she's gone? Y/N,you can do this. I BELIEVE in you okay?"

I shook my head slowly side to side as tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"N-no Lauren. My host, she's gone. My body is failing, and I-I can't help it. I don't know what to do."

Lauren placed her hand on my chest, frowning because of the missing heart beat.

Lauren's POV

As I placed my hand on her chest, I decided to just express my feelings for her because she might not have long.

Your POV

I studied Lauren as she opened her mouth and closed it once again.

"Y/N." She started off trying to ignore her running tears, " I know you might not have a lot of time left, but I can't have you leave this world without you knowing how I feel about you."

Realization hit me and I knew exactly was she was going to say next. Could she really feel the same way I was?

"I-I am in love with you. And I know it might sound crazy but it's the truth. Ever since I got to know you, you haven't left my mind."

My chest felt this sensation, kind of like adrenaline. As if I was anticipating something.

"I love you."

She leaned down and before I could fully process what she was doing, her lips were moving against my own.

She hovered on top of me, her hand still on my chest.

It felt like I was alive. Like I could finally see the world clearly for the first time. My body was burning and now it felt like it was full of electricity.

Lauren pulled away, and i opened my eyes to see hers full of shock.

A small smile full wonder played on her soft lips.

"Y/N. Your heart, it's beating."

It's finally beating.

Hey guys so that's the end of Spilt Emotions Haha
Really hoped you guys liked it. Share your ideas and everything in the Comments- just speak your mind really! Remember to vote and stuff. ALSO ,FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME!(:
- desired21

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