Everything Is Fine

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I can't even believe someone would do this! Especially to my babies! Who in the fuck would do this to me?! I'm going kill this son of a bitch. Who ever the fuck it is, they are fucking dead. And I put that on everything I fucking love, no one messes with my babies, no one!!!!

When we got home, I nearly jump out the car trying to get in the house. Police cars surrounded my house like someone was murder. I ran inside and saw no sign of them or Jeremiah's mother. Jeremiah ran down the hall and just fucking screamed. I followed him and saw his mother laying there...with three gunshots to her head. He fell to the floor and began punching the floor. I tried to comfort him bit he just pushed me away. I felt like I couldn't do anything. He had got up and told the police to leave. Once they left, he broke down...extremely. He was on the ground, crying up a storm. I walked to him and he just hugged my legs. I sat down next to him and just try to calm him down. I kissed his forehead and he just laid there on my stomach.

"Baby?" "Who would do this, Emily? My mother?! Out of all people?!" "I think I know who is behind all this." "You do? Who?" "The one person who knew I got a new man, the one who knew I had two kids, and the one that is very close to my mother." "Eric? Why would he do this?" "Think Jeremiah. Why is it that he's been messing with you?" "Oh my God, because of you. You and him don't have nothing." "He wanted us to be together but I told him I was with you and I wasn't leaving." "Well, let's go take care of this motherfucker!" "I'm right behind you."

He got off the floor and walked upstairs. He walked to the closet and began rampaging it. He threw me a black hoodie and some sweats. I hurried up and put it on and grabbed my shoes by the bed. I saw him pull out his gun from the top of the closet and he looked up at me.

"Baby, I want you to have this." "For what? You know I hate guns!" "But, this is for protection. This is for our kids." "Can't we do something else without guns?" "I want this motherfucker dead, Emily. He fucking touched my kids and killed my mother, he's dying tonight." "I guess." "Baby, don't you wanna get revenge on him? For God sakes, he touched our kids! Doesn't that mean anything to you?" "Of course it does, I love my kids." "Then, you will make him pay for what he did."

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