Chapter 40

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"Hello?" I answered cautiously. "Babe... I don't want to give out any information about what happen last night, but if something gets to me... what do I say?" I smiled a little knowing that he knew I was watching. "Nick, you can say the truth, but I don't want to be known as the drunk." He laughed "Okay! Is everything okay? Do you miss me yet?" I nodded "haha yes... I miss you, but we have I guest. I will explain when you get home." He quickly said goodbye and hung up the phone because he was going back on the air. I drew my eyes to the T.V. As the interview continued, I watched as Nick get super uncomfortable very fast. I just hate how they won't ask me about what happen, but will ask Nick. It has nothing to do with his career and it shouldn't even have been brought up to him. I felt bad knowing that he has to go through that. Ellen came back to my name. I tuned in... "So Nick, what happened with Gabby at the show? She was stalked?" He nodded "Yeah, what I know for sure is that guys isn't coming back anytime soon." Ellen looked concerned "What happened?" He was getting nervous "Umm... Well I... I was hosting while it happened so I don't know everything in full detail, but... umm... pretty much she won her award, came off stage and he came after her." He shrugged. He didn't know what else to say. I don't blame him. Ellen kept going "Well, is she okay? How is she taking all of this mess?" Oh no... Nick straightened up "She is a bit scared by the fact that someone was following her, but she is gonna stay out of the light for a little for safety. Plus, I will be at her side and be there when she needs someone to talk too. So yeah..." Thank goodness he understands that I just want to be left alone. He looked at the camera and then back at Ellen. Ellen started to talk about how she is sad that I won't go public about anything for a while, but it was for my own good. BLAH BLAH BLAH... Nothing new. Marie sat up from my lap and went into her old bedroom, still wary about Harry. I watched Nick end the interview and then turned off the T.V. I'm just so sick of hearing everyone talking to everyone about me.

Later that evening, Nick came home with a box of chocolates and some flowers. I was so surprised! "Aw Nick! You shouldn't have." He planted a kiss on my forehead "Well you're worth it." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He sat in the kitchen and asked "So... Who's our guest?" I hesitated for a moment while I got the ingredients out for dinner. "It's Marie... Harry cheated on her..." He was shocked "Wait why?" I shrugged "I'm not totally sure. He said some girl was all over him and they did what they did." Nick was quiet. I know this brought a lot back to him especially that it was so similar to what we have gone through. I tried to change the conversation "So, how was the rest of your day?" He sat silently. I stopped what I was doing and gave him a back hug "Babe, are you okay?" He turned around and stared into my eyes "I just feel sorry for her, and I feel like when I see her... I'm going to see exactly what I put you through..." I could not believe that he just said that. My heart was beating so loud that he could probably hear it. I whispered, "I love you..." He held my face "I love you too..." Then he stood up, pulled me into him as we started to kiss. His warm lips made me feel alive. Our paced quickened as he picked me up and set me up on the table. I started tracing his abs. God he was so hot. I started to unbutton his shirt until I heard someone walking towards the kitchen. We both dethatched quickly and went back to what we were doing before. Marie walked in and Nick engulfed her in a hug. Marie did not look happy about his hug but at least he was trying to be nice. Marie plopped onto the bar stool and Nick came behind me as I started frying the veggies. His hands wrap around my waist and his head rest on my shoulders. We both smiled as we watched the food cook.

After a while, Nick started to set the table. I finished the chicken and vegetables and put them onto a platter. I gave Marie, who was still sitting on the bar stool, a smile. "Dinner is ready... You want to join us?" She smiled and said, "You know food always makes me feel better." I laughed a little and went to get soda the refrigerator in the garage. As I sifted through the soda, I heard the doorbell ring. I yelled for Marie "Hey! Can you get that please?" I walked back into the house and there I saw Harry standing in my living room. Nick quickly came to my side. Marie looked at me and then I knew she wanted us to give them space to talk. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door with Nick. As we walked out I texted Marie:

Nick and I were getting dinner... Offer our meal if Harry wants food. Let me know if you need us... we will be close by. 

Nick opened the passenger door for me, and then went to the driver's seat. He smiled "So... I guess we aren't eating your delicious chicken." I laughed as he went on "I guess dinner is on me." I held his hand tightly as we drove off to get dinner. 

The Unexpected ( Nick Jonas love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon