Chapter 14

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Nick and I cuddled on the couch as we watched T.V. I checked my phone and saw it was almost time for dinner. Nick said “You know we could just stay here and order some take out.” I looked at him. “You know I would love that, but I already promised your brothers we would all go out for dinner.” Nick sighed. “Can we just tell them to cancel?” I looked at him while my hand cupped his face. “I don’t want your brothers to be upset with me. Plus, it might be fun. Come on let’s get ready.” As soon as I got up, Nick pulled me back down and started to kiss me all over my face. I laughed and said “Nick, haha come on. We got to get ready.” Nick laughed and said “Fine haha.”

Nick went to his room while I sifted through my suitcase for something to wear. I finally found my black cocktail dress and red heels. I laid them across my bed and then went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I was finished I re-did my makeup and straightened out my curly hair. I quickly threw on my dress and heels and looked in the mirror. All I could hope was that Nick liked my outfit.

When I opened my door, Nick and his brother were already waiting for me to come out. As they turned to see me, Joe said “Wow.” Kevin added “Agreed.” Nick hit the side of his arm and gave them both a little glare. Nick smiled and grabbed my hand. “You look beautiful.” I giggled and said “Thanks guys. So, where are we eating tonight?” Kevin answered “There’s this amazing place called Eleven Madison Park on Madison Ave. that I think would be a great place to eat.” We all agreed with him and headed off to the restaurant.

Once we got to the restaurant, the hostess right away guided us to our table. Joe and Kevin sat on the opposite side of Nick and I and we all opened our menus. Everything was so expensive. I guess Nick saw I was nervous, held my hand, and whispered “Dinners on me babe.” I looked back at him with an upset look “I’m sorry Nick I would pay but I don’t make that much.” He smiled and said “No big deal babe. Get whatever you want.” We gazed at each other until we heard “AHEM!” We both turned towards Kevin and Joe. Joe said “You know we are still here too.” We both were blushing out of embarrassment and looked back towards our menus. I was still sifting through my menu when I heard the waiter. His voice was very familiar. I placed my menu down and looked up at the waiter. “I will have… Zac? Is that you?” We both looked at each other awkwardly. Zac finally responded “Yup… It’s me” I really didn’t want to talk to him, especially after all we had went through. Nick and his brothers looked confused. I gave Nick the ‘get him out of my face look’ and he started to order to help ease the awkwardness. After Zac left to start up our orders, all three of them stared at me. “That’s Zac… my ex…” Nick quickly said “That’s Zac… Wow you could have done so much better.” We all started to laughed and I nudged Nick over a little. Joe jumped into the conversation “So how did you and Zac meet and how did it end?” I didn’t feel comfortable talking about Zac in front of Nick. I already told him he was my ex and he just wanted money from me, but that’s it. I looked at Joe and smiled sarcastically “Maybe another time Joe.” Joe tried to give me his puppy dog eyes and I still said no. Nick said “Joe, drop it. She said she didn’t wanna talk about him. Besides we should be celebrating our relationship. I mean… come on… I won.” We all started laughing and continued to talk.  After a while, Zac started to bring over our food. First Nick’s, then Joe’s, then Kevin’s. When he came around to give me my food, Zac rubbed his hand over my thigh while setting my plate down onto the table. I tried to move his hand away but he was stronger than me. I finally got the courage to slap him in the face. He yelled “Ow!!!! What the hell did you do that for?” I stayed in my chair. “I did that because you were trying to feel me up, you sick bastard.”  Nick got up into his face and said “Were you seriously trying to feel her up?” Zac moved back away from Nick. Suddenly the manger came over to break up the tension. The manager said “What’s going on over here, Mr. Jonas.” Nick explained what Zac had done to me. The manager was shocked and escorted Zac out of the building. When Nick saw that he was out the door he came me up to me and engulfed me in a hug. Once the manager came back to our table he informed us “I’m so sorry for the trouble. I will take care of the bill and make sure you all get back to your hotel safely.” Nick nodded and the manager left. We all stood up and left the restaurant with Joe in front of me, Kevin behind me, a bodyguard on my left, and Nick to my right. If Zac was coming back after me, he would have to go through all of them first.

When we got back to the hotel, all I could think about was that Zac was back and I knew this wouldn’t be the last time I saw him. Joe and Kevin said their goodnights and went to their rooms. Nick followed me into my room and shut the door. He asked “Hey are you okay?” I nodded “I’m fine.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. “No you’re not. I can see that you are bothered. Please tell me what’s wrong.” I guided him into the bedroom and sat on the bed. “Nick there’s a lot you need to know about Zac. When we first met, I told you he was a gold digger, but there is so much more to it…” After a moment I continued “ Zac used to try to get me to do things that I would never do. I liked him a lot but I was also scared of him. He was also very abusive, physically and mentally. He used to come over to my house and scream at me just because he would feel like it and then would throw things at me…” I started to cry “The reason we broke up was because he tried to… touch me in places I didn’t want to be touched. Thank goodness Marie was around when he tried…tried to… have sex with me…” I cried harder. The pain of remembering what he tried to do to me was horrifying. I continued “Marie called the cops and had him arrested for sexual assault. Without Marie, things would of gotten too far.” Nick gave me a hug and tried to calm me down. I hated talking about Zac. I hated thinking and having to explain everything that happened with Zac to people because it hurt so badly. All I wanted to do was forget it, but for some reason it still haunts me. Nick released our hug and stared into my eyes. Trying to stroke my cheek, Nick wiped off some of the tears. He finally said “It’s okay Gabby. I’m here and I won’t let him anywhere near you ever again.” Nick was amazing. I don’t know what I would ever do without him. As I stared into his eyes I saw that they were as brown as chocolate and his face still had one small scar left from our crash. Nick finally said “Gabby,  I love you.” I smiled “I love you too.” He leaned in slowly and gave me a small kiss. I watched him pull away, but I wanted more. We came back together. The taste of his lips tasted so good. Our bodies moved together and begged for more. My hands laid on his chest, and started searching for buttons to undo. Nick started to help me undo his shirt without disconnecting our lips. I took off his shirt, revealing his nice chiseled abs. His hands searched my back for the zipper to my dress. He finally found it and started to help me out of my dress, taking his kiss to my neck. Once we were both out of our dressy clothes, Nick, in one swift motion, pushed us up the bed, never letting go of my lips. His tongue then begged for entrance. His tongue lined my mouth, while mine lined his. As he pulled me closer to him, I could feel how hard he was getting. The pace of our kissed slowed while his hands move down my body. I placed my hand on his chest and looked up at his face. “Nick… You know how much I love this, but we can’t take this any further.” Nick gazed into my eyes “Okay, babe. Whatever you want, I completely understand.” I smiled and continued to kiss him. When we finished, we laid closely together and fell asleep.

The Unexpected ( Nick Jonas love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant