Chapter 17

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It has been a week since Gabby's disappearance. We found a lot of information on Zac and his dealings, but there is no way that he could have done this by himself. Plus, he has moved three different times during his stay in New York. So, he could be anywhere at any time. My manager keeps on trying to call me, but I don't care to answer. We got into a fight about him breaking into Gabby's room to find me and that he has been over scheduling me to the point where I don't have time to do anything I want to do. He is just a mess. On top of all that, the tabloids have been outside the station all week. They got their shots so now leave. I obviously don't want to talk to them. In the end, my mind takes me to Gabby. I miss her so much. I miss her eyes, her laugh, and her smile. I can't live without her; I can't live without knowing she is okay. I wish it happened to me and not to her.

Interrupting my deep thoughts, a policeman was running my way. I stood up as he slowed down. He said "We found her! We found Gabby." I quickly responded "Where is she? Is she okay?" He continued "Your coming with us, but you must stay in the car... I will explain everything to you on the way there. Come on!" I nodded and ran with him to the car. Finally, I was going to get her and see her again.


A week has gone by. I haven't eaten, hardly slept, and I smell like a wet dog. Zac at one point threw a pillow at me and said it was for sleep, but I just kicked it further away, knowing that he probably tampered with it. Nick's manager checked on me every once in a while and sometimes just start screaming at me. Asshole. Well, at least they took me to use the bathroom when I needed to. At night I would be alone. Some nights I cried and the others I sat in silence, trying to ignore the fact that I was slowly going to die in this basement. My silent nights continued and I would think about Nick. His eyes, his smile, his touch. I miss him so much. In my heart I know that he is looking for me. Nick is the one thing that has held me up through this whole mess. I love him and I could never live without him. Interrupting my thoughts, Zac came down, probably wanting to taunt me, as usual. He sat criss-cross in front of me. His and caressed my face "Hey babe." It felt wrong. This all felt wrong. I lifted my head away from him "Don't touch me." He laughed a little and replied "It doesn't matter what you want, sweetheart." I tried to pull myself closer to the pole, trying to avoid any 'unnecessary' attention. Suddenly, I heard cop sirens and a loud voice say "This is the police! Come out with your hands up! We have you surrounded!" My face lit up. I knew Nick would find me. Zac started freaking out and Nick's manager bolted upstairs. Stopping him, I said "That's what you get for being an asshole." He stared at me intently. I know he wanted to say something, but it would only get him in more trouble. He silently turned around and slowly went up the stairs. After he was completely gone, I prayed, thanking God that I was alive and that Nick found me. I sat and listened to the noises upstairs. The police were kicking down doors and yelling 'clear' at the top of their lungs. I was too exhausted to yell or make a noise to guide them to me. Then they kicked down the basement door and slowly walked downstairs, making sure that the room was clear of threat. One of the policemen saw me and came to my aid. He unchained me and held me bridal style up the stairs and out of the house. I was laid down in the ambulance waiting to go to the hospital. I was pretty much falling asleep when I felt someone squeeze my hand. When I looked up, it was Nick. I fell asleep knowing that he found me.

I woke up in the hotel room bed. I lifted my body up and saw all of the 'Get Well' balloons and cards lying all over my room. I got out of bed and casually walked into the living room. Nick was sitting on the couch watching T.V. He saw me walk in and stood up. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He ran up to me, lifted me up and spun me around. We both laughed as he put me down. He looked into my eyes and said "Welcome back." I smiled "I missed you so much..." He smiled back "I missed you too." He picked me up and sat me on the couch. I knew he was wondering what happened to me that whole week. Then he said "So are you okay to talk to the police what happened that week? I don't want you to feel pressured, but you need to talk about it with them when you're ready." I nodded "Nick, if you could take me there now... I would be more than happy to explain what happened." He said "Okay. Well, I'm going to go change and we can go." He went and I looked down. I was in sweatpants and a T-shirt. I went into my room and started to get ready when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly put on my outfit and ran to the door. When I opened it, Nick's manager ran in, put his hand on my mouth to prevent me from screaming, and closed the door. I tried to scream, but his hand was blocking it. "Shhhh... If you say anything to the police, I will kill you. If you tell Nick anything I will kill you. Don't say anything about me." I nodded and started to cry. He then said "I'm going to take off my hand and if you scream then I will lie and tell everyone that the kidnapping was your idea and that you only wanted Nick for his fame. Got it?" I nodded 'yes'. His hand came off my mouth and I took off running into Nick's room. I darted pass his manager and made it to Nick's door. Nick quickly unlocked the door, let me in, then locked it. I hid behind Nick and explained " Nick, please keep me away from your manager, he helped Zac. Please help me.-" Before I could continue Nick's manager kicked down the door and started yelling "I told you not to say anything!" Nick looked at me and then looked back at him. Nick asked " What's going on here?" Nick's manager pulled out his blade and slowly walked towards us "If you couldn't already figure this out. I helped Zac kidnap her.-" As he continued, I called the bodyguards upstairs. Nick kept me behind him. Nick replied "We got into a fight and then suddenly you have the urge to kidnap my girlfriend. You're insane." Nick's manager was suddenly grabbed by the body guards and escorted out of the room yelling "This is not the end Jonas." Nick kept his straight face towards his manager as he pulled into a tight hug. The body guard gave us the signal that everything was safe. Nick then said "Is that true Gabby? Did he help Zac out?" I nodded 'yes' slowly as I started to tear up. Nick looked at my face and gently wiped away the tears. He kissed my forehead and continued to hug me "You're safe now."

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