"Hey." He said, adjusting the straps on his backpack.

"What do you want, White?" I put my Spanish folder in my locker and took out the books I would have to take home tonight.

"What's with all the hostility?" He chuckled nervously.

I was unamused, "Talk now or I walk away."

He opened his mouth to, hopefully, say something intelligent...

But of course that was too much to ask because he didn't speak at all.

As promised, I began to walk past him.

"Wait!" Jamie grabbed my arm while I was still in reach.

Without turning completely, I stared at my arm, then back up at him.

He let go, "Look,"

I folded my arms in front of my chest, "I think this whole feud between us or whatever should end."

Keeping the bored look on my face, I lifted an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

"Yeah," He pressed on, inching closer to me, "Maybe we could just...bury the hatchet. Whadya say?"

Right before I could tell Jamie I'd rather bury a hatchet in him, we were interrupted by a group of hot but rowdy guys.

"Phoebe! Jamie! Chick fight in the junior locker bank! Gotta come check this out!"

One of the guys, Shawn, was about to usher me along as his two other friend manhandled Jamie, but I promptly refused.

"That's okay, really."

"You sure?" Shawn asked with a cute side grin, "One girl already got her head bashed into a wall."

I gave him a smile, "I'm sure."

"Suit yourself."

"Let's go!" Shawn told the other guys who were assigned to grabbing Jamie by the arms and dragging him away.

"We're not done talking about this!" Jamie told me as he was carried down the hall.

I was prepared to leave the building, but my bladder and I weren't on the same page.

I decided to jog to the nearest bathroom before heading on the road home.

When I swiftly opened the door, I heard sniffling.

There was one last big sniff before the girl stopped making any noise.

I walked in further, "Are you crying?"

There was no one else in there but us two.

"None of your business."

When I realized I knew who that voice belonged to, all I wanted to do was yank out my own teeth.

I dipped my head bit to see which stall the girl was in.

Since my school is cheap and can't afford quality...well anything...all I had to do was ram the door with my weight and it flew open.

At that moment I saw Quinn Parker in a state I would never have imagined I would see any Parker, ever.

Her eyes were red and teary, mascara was running down her cheeks, and snot had gathered under her nose.

She looked horrible.

And disgusting.

"Who does that!" She screeched, "Leave me alone, you freak!"

With the hand that didn't hold tissues, she tried to shut the door again, but I put my hand in its path.

"What are you crying about?" I asked with no trance of sensitivity.

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