Chapter 33: Rest in peace

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Emma scrambled up from the floor and was about to cry out for Abraox when Charlie's hand clamped over her mouth "Now, dearie your going to do what I tell you to do. Clear?" when Emma didn't nod he pulled out a knife from his belt and pressed it against her neck "Clear?" he asked again and this time Emma nodded with a whimper.Abraox sprinted back to the cave to see a few dead wolves and blood splattered on the floor. He ran inside to find the place that he had last seen Skulduggery to see chunks of flesh, blood, organs and clothes ripped up on the floor. Abraox gagged slightly and walked forward to his former leader and kneeled before him "You never let us down, Skulduggery. Rest in peace." he said and got up of the floor, took one last glance at the body and left the cave. He ran back the way he came to get back to Emma when he noticed someone in the bushes, curled up to herself "Hello?" he tried and walked forward to her "Are you alright?" she turned around and Abraox gasped "Ivy?" he breathed and the woman nodded "Its me."But...but your supposed to be dead!""I know I am."" are you here?""To be honest, I don't even know.""Do you need somewhere to stay? You can always come back to the pack.""I can?""Of course! Come on, we just need to get someone." he offered her his hand and she took it with a smile "Thank you." she said and they walked to find Emma.Abraox and Ivy returned to where Emma had once been only to find no one there "Emma! Heath!" he yelled and tried to get some sort of response "Emma!" he was about to turn around when something hit him over the head and he fell to the floor with a thud, "Forgive me." Ivy whispered and dragged his away.

Emma was tied up in a chair waiting for the torture to begin. There were weapons, potions and whips all lay out in front of her and she had never been so scared in her life. She wished he dad was here to save her, but she knew it wasn't going to happen. The metal door opened with a creak and Charlie walked in with a grin on his face "Hello there, dearie!" he said and came closer while Emma tried to back up but it wasn't working "Don't be nervous, Emma! It will only last a few hours!" she whimpered again and Charlie grabbed her face in his hands "When I'm finished with you, you will look like them over there!" he pointed to a pile of skeletons on the floor which were all covered in blood and some had pieces of ripped clothes on and chunks of flesh still of their bodies. Emma shook her head violently and tried to scream but she had a gag in her mouth "Don't worry dearie!" he picked up a kitchen knife of the table and brought it above his head and Emma closed her eyes and waited for the pain as Charlie held the knife above his head and was about to bring it down, when there was a handgun hammer click and a velvety voice laced with venom "Don't you dare hurt my daughter."

Child of the moonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon