Chapter 28: He's been taken

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Skulduggery walked through the forest looking for any possible clues as to where Emma might have gone and so far he hadn't found anything that could be a possible lead. Even though he was caught up in looking for clues he still couldn't stop thinking about Valkyrie. He couldn't believe he had done what he did, but he needed to concentrate on Emma.

He had been walking for ages now ad was about to leave and head back to the hotel when he heard a rustling in the bushes so he brought out his gun and aimed it "Show yourself!" he said and the rustling stopped and he backed up a bit "Don't shoot." a voice came and Skulduggery could have sworn he knew that voice but he couldn't put a finger on it "Come out and ill consider whether ill shoot you or not."

"Ive not done anything to you!"

"You might have done! You might have set up a trap, but I'm far to clever to fall for a ridiculous tr-" he was cut of when he felt something collide with the back of his head "Ducky." he said dazed and fell to the floor with a thud.

Emma and Heath walked back into the cave laughing "I cant believe you fell for that!" Emma giggled

"I was being a gentleman by trying to help a drowning damsel in distress!"

"Turns out it was the gentleman that needed saving!"

"It wasn't my fault I wasn't taught to swim as a kid!"

"True!" Emma dumped the food they gathered on the cold floor and Heath called for the rest of the pack "So how old are you?" Emma asked and Heath smiled "four hundred and three!"

" only thirteen!" Emma laughed and Heath smiled "Your the youngest of the pack, ill tell you that."

"I'm pretty sure my dad is like...eight years older than you."

"He is! We were friends when we were young!"

"That's cool! What was he like?"

"He was a bit of a show off." Emma laughed "That's my dad alright!" Heath smiled at her and just then Abraox walked in with the rest of the pack with his red eye focused on Emma "Zola, I need to speak with you." he said and Emma nodded once and followed him to the back of the cave "What is it?"

"Its your dad. He's been taken."

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