Chapter 29: Hello again!

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Skulduggery had been waiting for a while now and was really starting to get bored. Just as he was about to call for someone the door opened and Skulduggery's heart stopped beating for a second "" the person chuckled lightly and stepped forward making Skulduggery nervous "How are you alive? I saw...I saw you die!"

"Yes, my dear you did."

"Then how are you alive!"

"It wasn't me that was killed, it was my reflection."

"Then why did it take you so long to come find me?"

"Ive been watching you." Skulduggery started to get worried "Do you know about Valkyrie?"

"of course I know about Valkyrie! Your true love, as you called her."

"I love her still!"

"Of course you do! But now I'm here and we can live happily ever after like we always wanted, sweetheart. We can have a family!" Ivy went to touch his face but he jerked back "I already have a family! I don't need you anymore, Ivy!" he snarled and Ivy laughed her beautiful laugh "Your the same as I remember, very stubborn. But come one my darling, we can travel the world."

"I don't want to travel the world! I'm staying right here, with my family!"

"But what about me? Don't you still love your darling wife?"

"Of course I still love Valkyrie." Ivy sneered "Wrong answer." she clicked her fingers and a flame grew in her hand and just as she was about to throw it three people fell from the secret passage way straight on top of Ivy sending her to the ground, unconscious.

Emma groaned and tried to get up but Abraox was on top of her "Get of!" she yelled and Abraox threw Heath of him and climbed of Emma "Emma!" Skulduggery breathed and she looked up and saw Skulduggery "Dad!" she ran to him and jumped onto his lap and buried her head into his chest "Oh, Emma!" she hugged her back and Emma started to cry "Shhh, don't cry. Its ok now, I'm here." he soothed and Emma looked up "Is mom gone?" she whispered and Skulduggery's head dipped while he nodded solemnly "Yes." Emma threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tighter "It wasn't your fault."

"It wa-"

"NO! It wasn't you! It was the wolf!" Skulduggery sighed and looked over her shoulder and saw Abraox and Heath stood there "Abraox!" he cheered and the muscular man smiled at him "Skulduggery! Nice to see you again!"

"Its nice to see you as well! Hello, Heath!"

"Hello, mate." Abraox came forward and broke the shackles and Skulduggery stood up with Emma still in his arms "Where is the rest of you?"

"There at the cave. We need to go to them now, they have been awaiting your return for centuries." Skulduggery smiled and they all walked out.

Unknown POV

it was night time and three people were secretly spying on the pack"Why didn't the plan work!?" the man roared and the girl cowered back "I don't know sir!"

"And you!" he pointed at the man sat in the chair "Why didn't you come in!?" the man shrugged

"I was busy."

"Busy with what?"

"I was distracting the pack."

"How exactly were you doing that?"

"I shifted into Abraox, no big deal."

"You do what your told! The plan is ruined because of you!"

"So what?" the man said simply and the boxer like figure roared and hit him across the face "Next time you do something wrong, my face will be the last thing you see!" she snarled and looked at the girl "Get the others ready. We attack in the morning.

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