Chapter 2: Skulduggery's secret

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"Story time." the man smiled and Valkyrie looked at Skulduggery with a confused expression before the story began

1623, Ireland

Christopher Cornell looked up at the full moon one night just thinking...he was a very smart boy for his age and he was born into a small family which included his brother Charlie, his sister Amery and his mother Anne. He was the oldest of them all and loved them all dearly...all except for one. Charlie. He used to tease him, pull pranks, call him names, make fun of him, all these horrible things all because Charlie was the youngest and Anne, his mother, took his side all the time which meant Christopher was the blame for everything that happened. He didn't know how long he had been staring at the sky for but he soon snapped out of his daze and climbed into his bed, curled into himself and darkness soon clouded his vision.

Christopher awoke with a start as he felt the rain hitting his pale face "What?" he whispered and looked around him with the same question going through his mind 'How the hell did I end up here?' he was searching for answers and he eventually found it when he saw a trail of blood leading through the trees. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw where it lead to "No...oh god no!" he started to sprint through the trees, tripping every so often and when he reached his house he collapsed to his knees and sobs racked his body. Anne and Ambry were on the floor with chunks of flesh missing from there bodies that seemed to be painted in blood along with the wolf that was lay beside them. But Charlie was no where in sight. Christopher choked as he saw his family dead, he didn't know what to do, so he ran.

Christopher had been running for some while now with tears still streaming down his face when he seemed to hit a wall, and he fell to the cold, hard floor beneath him "Woah! Are you alright there lad?" a tough voice asked and Christopher looked up to see a very muscular man in a finely tailored suit stood in front of him, so Christopher scrambled up the floor and looked at the man "Y...yes sir...I' fine." he choked and the man put a strong arm on his shoulder and looked at him "Come on son, your obviously not." the man said and Christopher couldn't stand it anymore, he flung himself into his strong arms and he heard the an grunt in surprise but he only tightened his grip "Come on son, we will go inside and talk." he said and walked him into a shop called "Mr Bespokes Tailors" and Christopher figured out it was his name. When they entered they were immediately greeted by a young boy, who looked to be Christopher's age with scars covering the top of his head "Hello!" the boy cheered and stook his hand out waiting for it to be shook and eventually Christopher took his hand and shook it gently "Hello." he whispered "Come on Baelfire lad! Give the boy here some space." Mr Bespoke said and walked Christopher to the couch in the room while Baelfire went to organise some materials on the racks that surrounded the room "Now lad, tell me whats the matter." Christopher stayed quiet for a while before answering shakily "I...I went to sleep like I...I normally do and then when I woke up I a forest and when I went back a...and Ambry were...were dead!" he started bawling and Baelfire looked at him sympathetically before walking up to him and sat down "Hey its ok! You can stay with us!" he beamed and Christopher looked up from his hands with teary eyes "R...really?" he whispered "Yeah! We have the room! Come on!" Baelfire grabbed Christophers arm and dragged him out the room just as a brown haired woman came crashing through the door "" she panted and Mr Bespoke rushed over to his wife "What? What is it love?" he asked and the woman looked him dead in the eye and whispered "The boy...he is a Wolf!"....

to be continued...

Child of the moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن