Chapter 5 - War wages on.

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The remaining members filed in, taking their respective seats.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice." The queen begun. "We have a problem. Some strange things have been happening in our country. Aside from losing the animals from the plague, there have been some... supernatural occurrences."

"I'm going to increase security around the castle, and I suggest you all do the same. My uncle is organizing a new group of guards to defend the South Quadrant. It is of the utmost importance that any suspicious activity be reported back at once. Victoria will return to the pack to continue scouting our boarders. The most vulnerable are the humans," She eyed Marques. "But so far, it's only been wolves that have been targeted."

The door slammed open, a fuming blonde standing in its wake. Annabelle noted the outfit change, her petite form hugged by the form-fitting jeans she wore.

"Who is this?" Lorna asked, whipping her head around to face Emily.

"My sister's...human." Geoffrey answered.

"Your human is untrained. How dare she interrupt a council meeting?"

Two guards grabbed ahold of the blonde, about to remove her from the room.

"Were you addressing me with that statement Lorna?" Annabelle asked, her tone calmer than usual.


"Choose your answer wisely." Geoffrey warned, his senses tingling. He was well aware of the change in atmosphere and worried his sister would do something rash.

"No, my Queen. I was not."

"Ah," Annabelle stood from her seat at the head of the table. "Excuse me for a minute."

She waltzed out of the room, brushing the guards off and replacing their arms around Emily's waist.

"You've been a very naughty girl."

There was no snappy retort from Emily, and that made Annabelle suspicious. "Where did you go?"

"Home." She dead panned. The blonde's face was lacking emotion, pale and unamused. "I suppose you were also there? At my home?"

The queen's brow flew up. "Yes. I went looking for you."

"Hm, and what did you find?"

"Why all the questions? Obviously, I didn't find you."

"Annabelle what did you do?!" her voice was raised now, tears brimming her eyes.

The older woman covered the girl's mouth, dragging her down the hallway into an empty room.

"I'm going to ignore that outburst, because obviously you're not in your right mind. You don't ask the questions here, I do. Where the fuck were you? Why did you think you could run from me, and why come back?"

"You're going to pretend like you don't know what happened to my family? My father is dead!"

The shock on the queen's face was genuine. She didn't care for Harold, but she certainly had no reason to kill him. "I didn't touch him." Annabelle used a finger to tilt the girls chin, unsure why she felt the need to explain anything at all. "When I went there both him and your brother were fine, alive and well."

The tears spilled, and she stared at the blonde awkwardly, unsure of how to move forward.

"Just... go to your room. Expect me shortly." The punishment she initially had in mind for the girl suddenly felt unnecessary.

"Go to my room? Like I'm a child? A slave?"

"Emily..." she massaged her temples, patience wearing thin.

My Master (intersex x woman)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang