chapter 9

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"Are we there yet?" I asked sighing aunty beka said"Yes now lets go inside." Getting out of the car she stood next to my door waiting for me to get out. Climbing out i grabbed her hand walking inside."Beka where is Uncle Finny?" I asked once we were inside."He is at home he just wasn't up yet." She explained making an o face we walked in. Looking around i saw people talking. Some people playing games. Other eating,laughing and more. Turning around I saw Stefan,Elena,Jeremy,Damon,a blonde girl,and a really pretty Black girl. Pulling Bekas hand i looked at them. Looking up i saw a little smirk on her face before she pulled us over to them. My undead heart raised up higher the closer we got to them. I let out a whimper once we got closer."Hello Scoody Doo gang." Aunty Beka said pulling a chair to their table. Everyone looked at her sighing "what do you want:" the pretty girl asked." I want to know which of you hurt this little girl her." She said smirking. Everyone was quite looking at each other before looking at Stefan."Why are you guys looking at me?" He asked looking at everyone."Well you are the person who put a stake in her leg." The pretty girl said. Tilting my head side ways i ignored the conversation that was happening around me just staring at her. She was darker skin then us. Had pretty currly hair,and well was just pretty. Getting off Aunty Bekas lap i some how got on. Walking over to her i noticed all eyes on me. Pulling her arm since she was sitting on the outside talking to the nice boy to."Exuse me." I mumble turning to look at me she short of smiled but not really."Yes. What do you need?" She asked."I just want to say your REALLY pretty." Smiling down at me shelooked me in the eyes."Really and whys that?" She asked i completely forgot about everyone around us."I guess it's because i can tell you are fearless. You would do anything for the people you love. Good or bad. Yet you still sometimes feel sad. That that biy next to you will leave you. Or you won't be able to save your friends before something happens to them. So it's not you outer beauty i like. Even though you look like an angel. Im more fascinated in you inner beauty. Which can out shine anyone any day." I stated looking in her eyes to noticed she had tears in her eyes."H-How did you know that?" She asked but before i could answer i heard mt daddys voice."She can know anyones darkest secret just by looking at you. She can also lighten anyones world with one hug." My smile widen running over to him"Hi daddy." I said kissing his cheek looking at the group i saw all their mouths open."Oh you guys didn't know. This is my Daughter Samantha Elea MIKAELSON. And lets say im not happy ome of you hurt her." He said smirking

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