Chapter 4 : Crushes

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Chapter 4


~Serena’s P.O.V.~

~Raye’s House~


“Hey guys…have you noticed something different about Yumi?” I asked while I painted the tips of my nail white with nail polish.

Me, Raye, Lita, Mina, and Rini were all having a girls only day, till we left for Duelist Kingdom. Amy and Yumi claimed they had something else to do before they leave tonight.

“I have’nt…why?” Raye placed a red pokka dots on her nails making them look pretty nice.

“She’s been happy a lot more than usual.” I laid my hands in my lap, waiting for my nails to dry.

“I noticed that too!” Mina exclaimed. “I think she’s in love.” Sighing dreamily.

“In love?” Lita asked confused. “With Yugi?”

“It has to be Yugi! I mean c’mon do you see how alike they are? They’re both innocent and shy.” I said thinking about the comparisons between the two.

“And short.” Rini added, with a giggle.

“But they would be so cute together!” Mina squealed and looked at her nails. Smiling to herself.

“And so would you and Joey…” Raye muttered, causing Mina to snap up and look at her. “What?”

“You like Joey don’t you?” Lita asked, with a grin. Mina blushed but shook her head.

“Well…Uh…No…” Her blush grew deeper. Everyone stared at her, including me. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay fine! I like Joey.”

We all smiled and giggled. Lita wrapped a arm on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I knew you did. I kinda like Tristan too.”

Mina’s blue eyes widened in shock. “You do?”

“You do?!” Raye, Rini, and I exclaimed. Lita’s cheeks tinted a bit a pink. “Yeah. Isn’t it obvious?”

“No!” We all said to her. Causing her to laugh.

“Well I like him. He’s cute. And funny.” Lita smiled and rubbed the back of her neck shyly.

“Well then, enough about Boys. How are we gonna sneak onboard the ship?” I said.

We all sat there and thought for a few moments. Rini went to the bathroom.

“One of us have to go with Yumi, for protection. I say we vote.” Mina suggested.

“Good Idea. You should go with her then.” Raye ordered. Mina nodded in agreement.

“What about us three?” Lita asked.

“We will just sneak onboard somehow. We’ll find a way.” Raye said, blowing on her nails.

“Well, then it’s settled then. Mina is going with Yumi and we’ll slip on board. Perfect.” I smiled.

Rini came back from the bathroom and sat back down next to me. “I called Darien, he’s going to be there too.”

“Really? I thought he could’nt leave school till testing is over.” I was shocked he was coming so sudden.

“Testing ended early since teachers have to do some sort of big conference meeting. Plus kids are permitted to leave with an excuse since the Duelist Kingdom tournament, asked some guests to go and duel for the grand prize too.” Rini explained to me. I could’nt help but Smile.

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