Chapter 3 : Unexpected Kiss

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Chapter 3

Unexpected Kiss

~Yumi’s P.O.V.~

The next day, I was released from the hospital.  I got in my school uniform Serena brought me and went with her to school. Raye, Mina, Amy, and Lita were already in homeroom. And so were Yugi and the gang.  I looked over at Kaiba’s desk and it was empty. He was probably still upset of the duel yesterday.

“Hey Yum!” Joey greeted me as I sat next to Tea who was dueling against him.

“Yum?” I asked with my eyebrow raised.

“Yeah. It’s your nickname. Kinda sounds similar to Yug. Right Yug?” Joey wiggled his eyebrows at Yugi who blushed and shook his head at him. He laughed. “I’m just kidding Yugi.”

“Or was he?” Mina shifted her eyes back and forth, trying to look mysterious . But bursts out laughing.

“Mina…don’t get me started on you. And your boy-toy here. Should I mention what you two were doing yesterday when Yugi won the duel against Kaiba?” I said, being playful  and laughing.

Mina and Joey looked at each other and lightly blushed. Turning away from each other.  Me, Serena, and Tea giggled.

Amy sat quietly reading a book. While Raye and Lita were arm-wrestling. Lita was beating Raye quite often though, since she’s really strong.

“Anyways…I play the monster Ogre Rock in Attack mode!” Joey places the card on the desk and smirks with pride. “It’s gonna rock ya block off!”

Mina giggles.  But Tea looks confident and turns her face down card over. “Happy Lover in defense mode.”

“That wimpy card? It does’nt stand a chance against my Rock Ogre.” Joey snickers.

“True…” Tea agrees “But..not anymore. I play Breath of Light!” She places the magic card on the desk.

Joey looks confused and turns to Yugi. “Can she do dat?”

Yugi nods. “Oh yeah.”

“The Breath Of Light wears down rock monsters.” I explained.

“Which means your Rock Ogre is destroyed.” Yugi finished.

“That means I win again!” Tea cheers, while Joey groans in defeat. Tristan looks over at him. “Jeez, Joey you really do stink at this game.”

“Hey! Leave him alone. He tried.” Mina defends Joey, causing everyone to raise their eyebrow. “I mean…cut him some slack.” She rubs the back of her head nervously, her cheeks tinted with pink a little.

“At least someone isn’t making me feel bad.” Joey hugged Mina for a second, her blush was deeper in her face. Serena and I smiled at her with a he-likes-you-too look.

“It’s okay Joey.” I patted his arm sympathetically.

“Joey…I got donuts…” Serena said in a sing-song voice to make him feel better.

“You do?!” He got excited. “Give em’ here!”

Serena had a pack of powered donuts and took one out of the bag and handed to rest to Joey. Who was eager to stuff 2 in his mouth.  Tea, Yugi, and I shook our heads. Mina just laughed and covered up her mouth to muffle her laughs.

~Later that day~

Yugi and Joey went to his grandfather’s game shop while. Amy had to go to some job interview she had someplace. Raye went home to meditate. And Mina went off with Tea to go shopping. Leaving Me, Lita, and Serena to hang out around the city.

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