Chapter 2 : The Heart Of The Cards

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Chapter 2

The Heart Of The Cards

~Yumi's P.O.V.~

The tall boy with cold blue eyes and brown hair known as Seto Kaiba owner of some big company stood in the doorway of the shop. His shadow making him look mysterious.

"Can I help you?" Grandpa asks him politely.

"I've heard you sell duel monster cards." The boy spoke, with a slightly deep,cold, but serious voice.

I looked over at Amy who seemed to be more interested in the floor all of a sudden. Mentally I smiled to myself.

Someone has a crush already.

"Hey you're into Duel Monsters too?" Joey asked him. "Maybe we can all duel together sometime."

Kaiba gave him a look with a chuckle. "Duel you? Please. I'd have more of a challenge playing Solitare. I'm the number one ranked duelist in the country, and a favorite to win the Duel Monsters Championship. You wouldn't last two seconds against me."

Hearing his rude and obnoxious tone, made me wrinkle up my nose in digust. How can someone sound so mean?

"Oh yeah, how about you settle this with you're fists then?!" Joey gets up close to Seto. Ready to fight him.

Yugi jumps in front of Joey and waves his arms in the air. "Now Now Joey, settle down."

Kaiba smiles smugly. "Look do you have any worthwhile cards here or not?" He asked Grandpa Moto.

But he glances at the super rare card the old man seemed to have.

Frantically he runs up to get a closer look at the card.

~Seto's P.O.V.~

Can it be? The Legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon in a dump like this?

Suddenly the lid is closed shut from me viewing the card. The old man looked up at me. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Picking up my briefcase, I slammed it on the counter, causing everyone in the room to jump with surprise, and opened it up to reveal the cards I placed inside.

"Look I'll trade for your Blue Eyes for all of these." I stated firmly. The others including that Amy girl looked at the cards in awe.

The old man just smiles and says "No thanks."

"Name your price." I offered to him, desperate to get the card he possesed.

"No thanks." He said again. "This card means more to me than you can ever offer. Not because of it's Power, but it was a gift from a dear friend of mine. Parting with it, is completely out of the question.

I saw Yugi and the short one known as Yumi smile.

"I would feel the same way about the common card."

The old man nods in agreement with his grandson. "I agree. This card is bonded to my heart."

Annoyed by their stupid beliefs and such, I closed the briefcase and headed out the door.

"Senile old fool." I muttered underneath my breath and closed the door to the shop behind me.

My limo pulled up and I got inside. And sat by the window thinking to myself.

The Heart of the cards? How foolish! It's completely ridiculous. These cards are about power. One way or another that Blue Eyes White Dragon will be mine!

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