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Alaric didn't come to see her immediately after the trial for which she was grateful. Lex didn't know if she could handle looking at him without trying to maul him through the bars of the cell. Her wrists were still cuffed; she was unable to wriggle her hands free from the restraints. The cuff around her swollen wrist didn't budge like the other, which dangled slightly.

When he finally did show up Lex had made herself comfortable in the far right corner, her arms resting over her knees, the handcuffs thick and heavy on her wrists.

"Too scared to keep me unrestrained?" she taunted when he showed his face. A corner of his lip twitched.

"I like seeing animals tied up where they belong."

Lex didn't move or respond to him. She blinked slowly, her eyelids heavy from lack of sleep. Believe it or not, it was pretty hard to fall asleep in a cold cell. At least the air outside isn't stagnant like it is in here.

"What do you want?" she drawled.

"Aren't you happy?" he asked. "You get to live."

"I'd rather die."

The prince tilted his head, his brow furrowing slightly. This was obviously not the answer that he had anticipated. Lex half expected him to barge through the bars and grant her wish with the frustrated look his face morphed into. Instead he turned, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his pants and left the dungeon, his shoes clicking against the cobbled ground.

He returned a little bit later and Lex wondered what he could possibly want now. When he showed himself through the bars, she noticed he changed his clothes into comfortable wear. When the smell hit her nose she perked up.

Alaric carried a bowl of food, that she was sure of. Lex didn't make a move to get up, not trusting what he was presenting. The click of the keys in the lock of the cage echoed around them and he opened the door. Her eyes went around him to the exit, and her face fell into a longing expression, one Alaric noted.

He slid the door shut behind him with a clang.


In the bowl he handed her there were thick mashed potatoes, ending in a swirl. There were flecks of seasoning blended into the potatoes, steam billowing off of the food. Pulled steak and meat were pushed to one side of the platter, clumps of spinach garnishing the top. Lex forced herself to tear her gaze from the food to Alaric. She was supposed to get fed, but it was always indistinguishable. She hadn't cared as long as it was sustenance, but this was actual food.

"What's the catch? I wasn't born yesterday. Why are you giving me this?" she asked. He set the bowl down and then took a smaller key from his pocket. Alaric didn't reply right away. He reached for her wrists and she winced when he touched the hot swollen skin. She hissed and tried to pull her arm away, but he caught it, his hand big enough to wrap around her forearm with ease. He shoved the little key into the hole of the handcuffs and with a twist they fell off.

Not releasing her arm he turned it over once, examining the dislocated joint. Without warning, he snapped it back into place. She screeched in pain, the inhuman sound grating against the vampire's ears. She watched as he flinched and pinned her with a glower. The painful throbbing dulled to a buzz making it bearable. Lex tried not to move her wrist too much, not wanting the pain to return.

"A little warning would've been nice," she grumbled, though not as angry as she would've been if he had instead decided to snap it in half.

"A little thank-you would've been nice," he retorted sarcastically, the hazel irises flashing in the low torch-light of the dungeon. Lex's lips thinned as she pressed them together.

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