Chapter 6//LeeLee

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I've been in bed all day, they said I'm not allowed to go to school yet, it will confuse you too much they said. Blah.

My "Dad" is at work, I still haven't asked him where he works, but I feel it would make him feel bad.

I've walked around the house aimlessly, even in the backyard. I've stared at the pool for so long I wondered if I jumped in it it would make it all end. But, I didn't. I decided to sit on my porch, again, but without an apple, I wasn't hungry.

I stared across the street, watching the boy from the hospital walk with his bookbag. I still don't trust people, but he seemed like a trustworthy person. "Hey hospital boy!" I yelled.

He turned to my direction. He blocked the sun out of his face and waved back. He held his pointer finger up then ran into the house across from mine. So that's his house...

I still sat there, as he ran back out without his backpack and ran up my porch stairs. "Hey,"

"Hey," I replied back. He took the chair next to me and sat down.

"Remember me?" He joked.

"No, I just let a random boy come up on my porch and talk to me." I stated sarcastically. He laughed.

"You still haven't lost your touch," he replied. "Do you remember anything else?"

I shrug. I let my left arm hang off the chair, almost touching the wooden porch floor. "What's up with my room?"

He chuckles. "You are pretty different,"

"I was," I retort. "I was different" He gives me a look before looking back ahead.

He stands up, and stretches. He holds his hand out, I take it, he pulls me out of my chair. He goes through my house, as I follow behind him. "So you've been in here before?" I ask.

"Been in here? I've practically lived here." He retorts. Remember that..

He sets his bookbag on my dining table and starts digging in my freezer in the kitchen. "Why do you have a book bag?" I ask him.

With his head in the freezer he replies, "I have school."


"Mhm," he mumbles. He finally closes the freezer, unable to find what he was looking for. He put his hands on the island in the middle of the kitchen, looking lost in thought.

I noticed the ice crystals in his hair from the freezer and i came closer to him to get them out. I was hesitant for a moment but then helped, and he bent his head to make it easier for her. His brown curled locks bounced each time she plucked a crystal out. "Thanks," he mumbled and ran his fingers through his hair. "We should go to the store."

"Don't you have school?" I questioned him. Don't I have school?

He shrugged. "School, schmool. My dad won't care, I'd rather help you."

"What about your mom?" I ask. He only brought up his dad...

His posture straightens and he stands still. "Let's go to the store," I change the subject.

He follows what I said and grabs his book bag and we both go out the door.

"I'm sorry to bring this up, but I don't know where I am," she states as they stroll down the street.

"You live in a little town called Palades, in Illinois. You live across from your best friend, LeeLee," he does a little dance as he points to himself and it makes her laugh.

"LeeLee?" She giggles.

"Liam," he says. "But you always thought it was cuter to say LeeLee." Am I that corny?

"Haha, okay. Where are we going?"

"To a little place that we like to call 'The Shack'. I came up with it, we just kept calling it that."

"We seem like quite the pair,"

"We were quite the pair."

"I'm sorry, Liam."

"It's okay, maybe it'll come back to you like ka-bam!" He snaps his fingers.

"This isn't a story tale, LeeLee."

"Maybe it isn't, but it's a great miracle that we're still together."

"I guess-"

"Here it is!" Liam interrupts, pointing at the building they were approaching. He runs up towards it and turns towards her. "Remember it?"

Of course you remember this place. The place you engraved the exact brick lining and placement into the thin slice of paper, every broken brick, the fluorescent light that says "OPEN", even every little sign that has a logo of a certain company of a certain quote. It flashed before your eyes in that instant. Hurry up.

Kay runs past Liam and inside of the place, refusing to listen to the cash register man telling her to slow down, and heads straight to the bathroom. Her eyes feel as they roll to the back of her head and her poorly made breakfast goes up her throat and straight into the cheap toilet.

She hears Liam bang on the door asking her if she's okay. She sits for a minute, holding her stomach. After a couple minutes she comes out, feeling much better. Liam hugs her softly not to hurt her after she comes out. "Are you okay?" He released her and looks in her eyes.

"I'm okay," she mumbles, and wipes the edges of her lips just in case. He takes some mints off of the convenient rack and opens it. "Isn't that illegal?" She whispers to him.

"Not if I pay for it afterwards," He takes one mint and give her one too. "Follow me, unless you need the bathroom again."

She nods and follows him down the aisles. They stop at the freezer section, as he looks through the icy windows. She notices barely anybody is here, which makes her less embarrassed for her incident. It seems like such a clean place she couldn't figure out why no one is here.

Liam pulls out a colorful box out and calls Kay to the register. "Suh dude, what's good?" The man says to Liam, and they do a weird handshake.

"Good, with you?"

"Eh, more lawsuits," the young man states. "What's up, Kay?"

Kay is startled the man greeted her. "Hello," she looks down at her feet.

The man gives a look at Liam and he gives him a 'drop it' look. And he does, they cash out. "Nice seeing you, Bill." Liam says.

"You too, bro." He replies and they leave the stores.

Kay looks at Liam. "Are those fudge sticks?"

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