Chapter 3//Boo

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-2008 (Halloween)- (7 years old)

"Say cheese!" Kay's mom pronounces, holding her camera. She squints her eye into the camera and caresses her pointer finger on the button.

Liam and Kay smile wide with their fake fangs inclosed on their teeth. They wore black capes that dragged little on the floor and their faces powdered white.

He had a widows peak drawn on his forehead with his hair spiked back (prompts to Kay's mom).

And she had her hair slicked back, despite she didn't want her hair sprayed black or to put a wig on, so her somewhat blonde curls slightly dangled. She wore a silky black dress beneath her cape, unlike Liam who wore his old tuxedo that he wore to his cousin's wedding.

Her mom's finger pushes down on the button and the flash goes off, making them feel blinded.

"Can we go now, mom?" Kay pleads.

"Alright, alright. But just incase, I'll follow behind you guys." She turns to put her camera in the case.

Kay cups her mouth and whispers into his ear. "That's code word for she's wants to steal our candy." Liam hugs his pillow case tightly, making her laugh.

"Alright, ready to go?" The mom comes back without the camera and hclasps her hands together. They both eagerly nodded.

The mom held the door open as they walked through the door, under her arm. They start walking as the sunset cascades the orangey reflection onto them.


"Bye Liam!" Kay says as Liam walks towards his house. He yells bye also and turns around and sees her hand waving goodbye, as one of those air-blown things at car dealerships. He laughs and waves back.

Kay squeals and runs back inside and gazes in glory of her loot. She starts counting her butterfingers.

She jumps back in her chair when a sudden knock comes from the door. She turns to look and notices Liam at the door. He opens the door. "Can I stay for a while longer?"


"I'm so sorry Janet!" Liam's mother whispers in the phone, to Kay's mom on the other side.

"It's alright, really Susie." Kay's mom sticks her one free hand in her back jean pocket. She glances at Liam and Kay under a blanket, with them casually eating their popcorn and watching their favorite tv show. She watches each piece Kay consumes at a time. 1, 3, 2, 1...

"It's just Jacob's a little hammered, more than most times." she pauses. A weird noise comes out the line before a crash, such like glass breaking, occurs.

"Is everything alright? Kay's mom worries. She stiffens her posture.

The other mom coughs. "Oh yes yes, I know it's his first time, but can he sleepover? I think it be the best right now..."

"Of course, of course!"

"I'm so sorry I got to go. I owe you! Tell him I love him!" A great deal of mumbling in the background gets louder before she abruptly hangs up.

Confused, Kay's mom hangs up the phone. She looks at the two in the living room, distracted from their trading by the tv. "Well, it looks like you're sleeping over."

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