"Come on, Hidan. The bell's gonna ring in about five minutes." I say as I pulled him by his wrist.

As we entered Homeroom class, we made it on time, but the teacher wasn't in yet. Hidan and I took our seats at the back of the class. Ino and Deidara were already in their seats. As we passed by them, Deidara threw a death glare at Hidan while Hidan smirked at him. A few minutes later, Iruka sensei came into class, panting.

"Sorry I was late, class." Iruka sensei tried to say as he panted.

The class was really noisy, and did not realise there was a teacher standing in front of the classroom... well, except me, and maybe Hidan. I turned to my right and saw Hidan sleeping. I could hear his snores and his drool sliding down his arm and making a pool on the table. 

"Anyways, the information of the Senior Prom, which will be held at the end of the year, has already been out! The information has been posted onto the notice board outside the general office." Iruka sensei announces as a few choruses of 'yes!' were heard, mostly from girls.

Prom is something I don't look forward to every year.

"Every Senior students is required to attend!" Iruka sensei adds.

And, now, I'm supposed to be a part of it. A few groans were heard in the classroom. 

"Come on, guys! How can you all not like Prom?" Iruka sensei exclaimed, trying to diffuse the tension.

Exactly, how can you dislike prom? Well, for instance, there's dancing, horny teenagers that think they're finally legal but they have to wait a year and well... I have to wear a dress!! That's the main reason why I hate prom. Plus, it'll be kinda embarrassing if you go alone, right? But, I should go for the Senior Prom, I guess. I have Hidan.

Maybe, he'll pretend to be my date?

"What's all this fucking commotion about prom?" Hidan muttered to himself.

"Iruka sensei says that it's compulsory to go." I say, loud enough for Hidan to hear.

"What kind of fucking nonsense is that?" Hidan groaned.

I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe, some bitch in school purposely made it compulsory so that she can laugh her fucking head off with her clique at someone who came alone or something. 

The bell rang, signalling the end of first period. Hidan and I would go to the second period together as our classes were nearby. When most of the students and Iruka sensei were gone, I gathered my things and stood up from my seat, Ino stopped in front of my desk, her arms were akimbo. She had a smirk on her face.

"So... Kasumi," she started.

"I don't remember being on first name basis with you." I snarled.

"Who are you going to the prom with?" she ignored my last statement.

She inspected her nails as she waited for my response. Hidan was sitting on his desk, that's right next to mine, glaring at Deidara, who was a standing at his desk, which was a few tables in front of us. They were having a glaring competition.

"Why, with Hidan, of course!" I retorted.

I knew she was expecting me to say, "With no one.".

"Oh, you're with Hidan now?" she tilted her head to the side, trying to act as though she doesn't know anything.

Well, it's obviously fake, actually. I meant, me going with Hidan to the prom. It actually slipped out of my mouth since Hidan has been the only person I've been conversing with this past few months.

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