Nado Saranghae

501 19 9

The spring wind passed by every now and then as she stared at the cherry blossom trees outside her school campus.

One would think she was mesmerised by the beauty of those trees by the way she intently gazed at them.

Oh how wrong they thought.

Sure she was very fond of the view. But at that particular moment, her mind was too preoccupied to even appreciate the sight that she endeared so much.

Hyo Shyn's pov.

Is he not doing well?

Did something bad happen to him?

Is he sick?

I really hope not.

I couldn't help but let all negative thoughts enter my mind one after another.

It wasn't usual for him to skip school.

Heck. He would come to school even on Sunday if that was possible.

I remember his adorable whining of one day, "Yah! Why does the school remain closed on Sundays? School should be open seven days a week! I'm bored out of my mind when there is no school."

Yes. He loved school to that extent.

I'm serious.

The last time he skipped school was long ago when his mother was very ill and he had to take care of her in his sister's absence.

But what could be the unavoidable cause of him being absent today?

I just hoped it was not becsuse he was ill. Because whenever he was sick it would be a real bad disease. Normal fever or cold could never force him to skip school. He once went through influenza causing him to stay in hospital bed for a week.

Back then, I felt so lonely without him since he was the sole friend I had.

Yeah I was was kind of introvert.

Okay. Extremely introvert.

He was my only friend for about two years and something. Later on, I managed to actually be a bit more social and make some friends with his help.

I kept thinking about all those times when all of a sudden I heard someone call out my name.

"Ms. Bae!"

The voice seemed familiar.

Oh no.

I hastily shifted my gaze towards the class in shock to find that Mr. Smith, our homeroom teacher, was looking directly at me.

"Ms. Bae, are you even listening to me?" Mr. Smith said in English.

I quickly stood up.

"Y-Yes sir?"

That sounded more like a question.

He sighed. "Why aren't you paying attention?"

"I-I'm sorry sir." I quickly bowed in an apologistic way.

But when I look up at him again he was looked sort of confused or weireded out at my gesture.

Then it hit me.


I facepalmed internally. Just how many times will I forget that I'm not in Korea? You don't bow here in US.

It had already been six long years since we had shifted here but I guess some habits just don't leave you.

"It's okay. Just be attentive from now on." he looked at the board. "Now come to the board and solve this question."

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