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Nico P.O.V

I miss Will. Actually, more than miss. Every time something reminds me of his sandy blond hair, blue sparkly eyes, charming smile and cute laugh... I was rambling wasn't I? Well, anyway... When I'm reminded of him ,my heart aches. It makes me dizzy and anxious not to be hugging his beautiful body, kissing his soft lips, running my fingers through his hair... Crap, I did it again.
Well... I miss him a lot. I'd do almost anything so I could get another soft kiss from him, or hold his soft hands, or run my fingers through his soft hair... He is just so... Soft... And sweet... And pretty... Are you really still listening to me ramble? Whatever... Nico out.

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A Broken Heart Hurts MoreDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora