"one: gay as fuck baby"

Start from the beginning

Especially with a boy looking like that.

Luke entered the mess hall behind the boy in shorts, noticing he had a crop top on, that revealed his tummy. Luke still hadn't see his face, but if his legs and the small of his back was anything to go off, Luke would be blessed.

Luke found a seat near the back of the room. The hall was large as he looked around, it had carpeted floors and bean bags and sofas going around the sides of the room. Luke had sat in one of the large, comfy beanbags.

Luke's fingers played with the rip in his jeans, pulling at the frayed edges, as he looked around. The room was filling up and Luke had to take a double take at some of the boys in the room, they were so pretty to him. One stood out, a boy with black hair, a small streak of red, blue and a feather in his fringe. He was beautiful.

Luke was knocked out of his thoughts when someone poked his shoulder. "Hey, can I sit here?" Luke looked up to see another attractive guy. He had bright hazel eyes and short brown hair.

"Oh yeah, sure." Luke smiled, before biting his lip nervously, his tongue playing with the inside of his lip ring.

The doors of the hall closed finally and everyone looked to the small stage, someone standing in the centre of it in a red shirt that had the name of the camp on it:

Camp Neptune.

"Hey everybody! I'm Cody Jones, the camp leader. And welcome to another year here at Camp Neptune. We all assume you've read through the rules in our email earlier in the year and you'll get a repeat of the rules in the packs your cabin leader will give you. Each leader will assist your needs and/or queries." The person on stage ran a hand through their hair and sighed. "The younger years are in another hall, as well as they will be on the other side of the cabin."

The boy beside Luke cursed, making him look at him. Ashton noticed Luke stared and smiled, "My siblings are ten and twelve, they're across the camp apparently now. I'll barely see them."

"I'm sure you will at some point." Luke smiled, liking the way this hazel eyed boy looked at him.

They listened to the camp leader talk a little longer before they were told to  go find their cabin leaders.

Luke checked the piece of paper he was given at registration, seeing the name Louis Tomlinson.

"Who've you got?" Ashton asked the blond.

"A guy called Louis."

Ashton grinned, "Same bro, I'm Ash by the way. Looks like we'll be in a cabin together."

"Go me." Luke grinned, "Let's find Louis then shall we?"

The two looked around the mess hall, eventually finding the Louis guy. He already had two others with him, and Luke swore when seeing who it was.

The boy in short shorts and the cute haired guy.

Luke knew he was cursed with the attractive cabin, he also knew he'd be using his hand a lot of the next two months.

When Luke stopped in front of Louis, he looked down at the brown haired boy. "You sure you work here lima bean?"

Louis rolled his eyes, "Fuck off." He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look bigger than Luke, but with Luke's broad shoulders, he never would. "Well guys, these are your cabin crew for the next two months. Get along and be nice. I'll show you to your cabin now."

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