Chapter 14

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I awoke once more to my alarm clock going off. I shook off the covers and walked to my dresser picking out my clothes for the day then continuing into the bathroom starting the water for my shower.

As I was watching the water run I thought over everything that happened yesterday. Out of all emotions I could feel I was surprised that the only thing I felt was regret. Shouldn't I be happy? Why do I feel so bad about this?

I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower washing my hair and body and letting my thoughts run wild. I've only known Danny for 2 days and everything has been so complicated and so sudden. I barely know a thing about Danny why would I let something happen this fast.....Because you know you wanted it, my subconscious thought.

With a heavy sigh I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. I stepped out of the shower and dried off then proceeded to put my clothes on. I stood wearing leggings a white tank top and a flannel. I took care of all the things I needed to do and walked downstairs grabbing my bag and slipping on my shoes.

I wanted to get to school as soon as possible so I could talk things over with Danny. There was no denying that I felt something strong towards him even though I know almost nothing about him it's like there was a magnetic pull pulling me towards him making me want to know every detail about him.

I began my walk to school slipping on my earphones and playing a little panic at the disco continuing to let my mind wander to random things. Before I knew it I arrived to school but as I checked the time I realized I was way to early almost 30 minutes exactly. I started waking around aimlessly just trying to pass time until Arianna got here.

I felt a tug from one side of my earphones and before I knew it it was ripped out of my ear disturbing my peace with just me and my music. I turned my head sharply getting ready to yell at whoever thought it was a good idea to interrupt me and my music. I went face to face with a smirking Danny holding up the earphone that was ripped out of my ear.

"Whatcha listening to?" He asked curiously putting in the earphone. He started nodding his head along to the beat his adorable smile filling his face. "Hey this actually isn't half bad. What band is this?" He asked. "Panic at the disco and they so happen to be one of my favorite bands which also adds to the fact that it was very rude of you to rip my earphones out do that again and I'll rip out your organs" I said staring at him coldly.

He took a giant gulp and looked at me nervously. I tried holding his gaze but failed miserably when I started laughing like a maniac not being able to handle the expression that over took his face. "Your face was priceless" I giggled wiping a tear from my eye from how hard I was laughing. "That wasn't very funny I actually thought you were planning on ways to murder me" he pouted. I smiled up at him and he did the same with me.

We must have looked so strange to other people around us but I didn't care all I was focused on at the moment we're his beautiful eyes and perfect plump shaped lips. He slowly let his hand rest against my waist and started leaning in. Before our lips could touch we were interrupted by the ringing of the school bell. "What the hell happened to 30 minutes in gonna be late!" I yelled grabbing back my earphones from Danny and taking off to my class. "I'll see you later" Danny yelled right as I turned the corner.

I walked into my Math class barely making it on time. I took a seat near the back of the class already knowing I wouldn't be able to pay attention to today's lesson anyway. I had no idea what Danny was doing to me but I already knew it wasn't good. I barely new this boy and if we were to continue whatever it is we had going in we would need to talk about it. So I dazed off thinking about the boy who managed to steal my attention and maybe even my heart.

A/n and I'm back and whiter than ever guys :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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