
"Come!" he said, getting up as he pulled her arm. "Fine." she said. They walked back to his house which was only a few feet away, and then climbed the latter that led up to his window. They crawled through -- quietly though-- and we're now on his bed. Autumn locked the window. "Your bed is so plushy." she whispered. "I know right."

"I want one."

He smiled and took off his slippers that he went outside with, and threw them to a side of the room that made no noise. Kristina slipped her boots off, and throws them to a fluffy bean bag chair so it wouldn't make noise. They laid together, and Kristina covered themselves with the blanket, and wrapped her arm around Autumn, and they drifted off to sleep.


"Ross. Wake up." Stormie called. Ross opened his eyes quick. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and tears we're leaking his eyes. What just happened?

"Did you have a nightmare?" she asked, sitting beside him. He shook his head. "I don't remember." he said, as his breathing was unsteady. His heart was racing. Why? He couldn't remember anything. "You we're screaming, sweating, tossing and turning. What happened?" she asked. He shook his head. "Nothing happened." he replied. "Your lying." she said. "No... I cant remember anything.... I don't... I don't know what happened.." he said. He shivered.

But something had occurred to him.

He seemed to be in a white room. There was nothing there but a bed, a night stand with an ordinary green plant in a vase, and he was shirtless. "Mom... where am I?" he asked. She suddenly got up, ignoring his question. Wasn't he supposed to be at Rydel's house, visiting the baby boy?

"Mom?" he called. "I really don't know what's gotten into you." she said, in a tone with no emotion. He was confused. What?

"What do you mean?"

"You know what you did Ross!" she said. The room had a bright light, making the white room look whiter. Almost making it look plain white. "I don't know!" he said. "You do know."

He was so confused. What in the fucks name was happening?

"Mom! I don't know whats happening-" and all of the sudden, he was shot with a memory.


"Let me go!!!!!!!" he screamed, as two men took him away. "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!" He screamed. He screamed and panted for help, until a needle was shoved in his skin, making his vision a blur, and then he was gone, as they dragged him away.


"I-I.. Mom?" he called. She was standing still. No emotion.

"D-Do you still love me?" he asked. "I don't know after this." she said.

What did he do!?! He was so confused.

"I don't know what I did!" he yelled. She began to walked away to the door. Wait, a door?

The door was white, and had a tiny peep hole. She walked over to it, to open it. "Mom!! Please don't leave me!" he yelled, and he tried to get up, but he immediately just fell to the ground. What happened? He looked down at his legs, only to see that they we're still there (did I scare you there) but he couldn't move them right.

Someone must have given him a drug.

He looked at her, and she exit the room, locking it. "NO!!!!" He screamed, as tears began to stream down his face. He spent a few minutes trying to get back into bed, and finally did it. He covered him self with the sheets, and just cried there.



u guys are probably like wtf is happening

but u will find out soon >:3

share ur thoughts please! <3

head: if u think Ross is dreaming

tails: if you think he isn't dreaming



Austina or Aullumoreth?

>:3 comment what u think

vote for my lowercase and no periods at all lmao

and cya next time



Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن