17- It Was A Pretty Sassy Hibiscus

Start from the beginning

“A hibiscus.” I replied. “I think.”

“Don’t those have five leaves?” Zoey asked with raised eyebrows. “Yours has six.”

I shrugged. I wasn’t really drawing a hibiscus, I don’t even know what those look like to be honest, I just know that I was drawing a flower. I only said hibiscus because it’s a fun word to say and it’s the first flower that popped into my head. “It’s like, hipster or something.” I defended. “It’s perfect just the way it is.”

“It’s beautiful.” She laughed as I started coloring the petals pink with a colored pencil. Can hibiscuses be pink? I have no clue.

“Yes, I know.” I gloated. Of course, I wasn’t that egocentric, I was just teasing her, but I think it was a pretty sassy hibiscus if you ask me. I mean, the hibiscus has an extra petal- you can’t really get anymore sassy than that.

“Hey, isn’t that the blonde guy from the first day of school?” Zoey asked curiously, pointing to the blonde guy on the other side of the room. I looked over to see her pointing at a guy that I knew to be Jason. I don’t know why she doesn’t know who he is since he’s in our English class, but it’s not like they’ve ever spoken or anything. Which is lucky for Zoey, because I don’t like Jason, he’s kind of a jerk.

“Yeah.” I sighed. “His name is Jason and he’s in our English class, Zoe.”

“You know his name?” She asked in what seemed to be surprise when she turned her head to look at me once again.

“Yes.” I laughed. “I have two classes with him.”

“He’s cute.” She mentioned.

“Go for it.” I giggled. When she gave me a dirty look, I just laughed once again. “What? He is cute, he’d be a good rebound. Although, he’s kind of a meanie, but a good rebound nonetheless.”

“I don’t need a rebound, I was never in a relationship.” Zoey defended with a soft glare that I knew meant nothing.

I gave her a small smile. “Well then a rebound friend.” I corrected myself.

“Who gets a rebound friend?” She asked incredulously. “Losers maybe, but I don’t need a rebound friend, that’s ridiculous.”

“Work with me here, Zoe!” I heaved in mock exasperation. “You’re the one who asked about him anyway.”

“I was just curious.” She defended. “I thought he looked familiar. Are you sure he’s in our English class?”

I nodded. “I’m positive, I worked with him for that Hamlet thing, remember?”

She shrugged. “No, I wasn’t paying that much attention.”

I snorted teasingly. “Obviously.”

We talked for the rest of the period. Well, mostly Zoey ranted about her newfound hatred for Danny and I listened and agreed, although I kinda think she’s being really hard on him. With reason, of course, but if he’s telling the truth, which he better be, then he really does care about her. But I wasn’t going to tell Zoey that and defend him right now because she was pissed all she needed was somebody to agree with her. Personally, I think they’ll work things out eventually. I give her a few weeks to be upset and then everything will be okay between them again, once he apologizes and explains himself. I have faith in Danny, even if Zoey doesn’t.


“I’m going to go get ice cream.” I told Zoey as we fell onto my bed after changing from our school clothes into jammies in preparation for Pocahontas. We were going to have an afternoon full of bumming, so we had to get prepared.

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