I'm feeling so groped right now

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'Hi Sir, how can i help you today?' A middle aged woman asked, who wore a cheap suit and a less than excited expression said. 'I'm here to see my friend, Emily Johnson' i tried to force a relaxed smile. She tapped a few keys on her computer. 'Only listed people are allowed to visit, Miss Johnson's policy, not ours. What's your name Sir?'
I paused. And this time, instead of saying MY name, too which they always replied with an embarrassed nod and then an 'I'm sorry, Miss Johnson hasn't mentioned your name of her approved visitors today', I said..
'Luke Hemmings' she tapped more keys and nodded. 'Right this way Mr Hemmings. Here's your ID, keep it on your person at all times'.
Em's POV
'You have a visitor today Emily' i nodded. I hadn't seen Luke in only a few days, but it felt like a lifetime.
I sat at the table, uncomfortable in the high-vis pullover. 'Emily?' I smiled and turned to face Luke, 'Luk-Louis?' Butterflies erupted in my stomach. He can't be here. Only Luke's allowed to see me. 'There must have been a mistake-' he cut me off. 'Yes, i made a mistake when i let you leave. And i'm sorry' he sat down cautiously. 'You can't be here' I started to tremble.
Louis's POV
'Why won't you let us see you? Any of us? We love you' he reached his hand out to touch mine. 'And Luke? Of all people. You let him see you?' She shrugged. 'Harry's been here' I fumbled with my hands. 'Almost every day, he still thinks it's his fault' she shakes her head. 'I think you should go' she says quietly. What? 'Em, i'm your best friend, i love you' i plead. 'And I love you, and i'm sorry for never telling you that but I need to do this for me. I'm trying to find who i am' Her eyes never waver from mine. 'Okay' i close my eyes. 'Okay' i stand up. She smiled weakly. 'I'll be waiting, the day you're released. I'll be waiting' then i leave. And I don't look back.
3 Months later
Alice's POV
'I shouldn't fucking be here' I scream. 'Miss Styles, please calm down, I'm here to help you'
'You're lying' i screamed again. 'If you were telling me the truth, you would have let me die!' Nurse Reynolds paused. 'Why are you hurting yourself Alice?' She sat closer to me. 'Everyone told me to be happy! So i tried! Then you all stopped me' i whispered.
'How do you feel?' She continued. I laughed once. 'How do i feel? Easy. I don't' then i stood up and walked back to my hospital room.
Time passed in a blur. Until the minute i had waited for, came. 11:11, mine and Harry's time to make wishes. I pulled the covers up to my chin, and wished for what i had everyday since he left.
I wished to not wake up.
12 Months later
Liam's POV
I walked to answer the door, heart pounding in my chest. 'Liam' Sophia smiled. I kissed her hard, taking her by surprise. Her small hand palmed me through my jeans. 'I need to ask you something and i'm feeling so groped right now' I laughed. She laughed back and rolled her eyes. 'C'mon then' she removed her hand from my crotch, 'what's up' she walked into the living room. I tried to steady my breathing. When she entered the room she stopped, frozen still. 'Liam...' Her hand covered her mouth and her eyes began to water. I glanced around the room, clad in rose petals and photographs, covering the entire room, including the floor, sofa and walls. Okay. Now or never.
'Sophia Anne Smith, would you do the honour of being my wife?' I felt my cheeks heat up. Her eyes welled up with tears. 'Yes oh my god yes!' She screamed and kissed me. I relaxed and kissed her back. 'I love you' she grinned. 'I love you' i pulled her on top of me on the couch.
6 Months later
Alice's POV
'Charlotte, please' i begged her to leave me alone. 'I'm not ready' i slumped back onto the bed. 'Not ready? Alice it's being 2 damn years since he left!' She shouted at me, making me flinch. 'I'm sorry' she sighed. 'No, you're right' I forced a smile. 'Okay, i'll come' i finally gave in. 'Yayyy!' She jumped on top of me. I winced when her knee grazed my thigh. I was clean for 5 days, but it was still crazy painful. 'I'm sorry' she mumbled and climbed off me. 'Okay-um we need to go now, you need your dress fitted' then i got showered and dressed for the first time in days, and tried not to think of the inevitable, that Harry would no doubt be there.
Harry's POV
'This is it' i grinned at Liam, who was completely shitting himself. He nodded. 'Liam? Is Em definitely coming? Are you 100% sure? She's gonna be so upset that we weren't there to meet her! God!' Louis stressed. 'Louis, calm down, everything's gonna be okay' i rubbed his shoulders. 'Harry, are you coming on to me?' He joked. 'Kiss me you fool' i laughed and he tried to kiss my face. 'Can you keep your gay to yourself' Liam laughed, doing his tie. 'Where's Zayn?' I asked just as he walked in.

This books almost done:/ xxxxx

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