Well i guess this is it

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'Promise me Harry' i still didn't say anything. My brain was hammering itself into overdrive. Thoughts and plans spinning around. 'I promise' i heard her breathe normally again. 'Goodbye Harry, love you bro' she whispered before clicking off the call. I collapsed onto the sofa and breathed out hard. 'Can someone explain what the hell is going on?!' Louis shouted. 'That's my-' he stopped. 'She's your what? What is she to you? Your girlfriend? your best friend? Because you treat her like shit!' I shouted at him. 'C'mon Harry-' Liam tried. 'No- no he's right' Louis said dejectedly. 'He's completely right'
'What's wrong? is she okay?'  Sophia asked worried. I think it's time to tell everyone the entire truth.
Em's POV
'Well i guess this is it' Luke stopped the car in front of my house. I nodded. 'Bye' i said awkwardly. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. 'Good luck' he smiled. Then cringed, 'ew i can taste blood' he laughed. I smiled, and felt the dried blood on my face. Then i stopped smiling. Because as i turned around to jump out of the car, the door opened for me. It was only then when i saw police cars pulling up next to Luke's car.
'Emily Johnson? I'm arresting you on suspicion of possessing and dealing class A and class B drugs, you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say, may be given in evidence. Do you understand?'
Harry's POV
'Her Mum found drugs in her room' i started. 'We sell them, together' i forced myself to continue, despite the looks of fear on all their faces. 'We got caught last year, but i took the blame, i was over 18 so no one had to find out, not my parents or anyone else' i breathed deeply. 'First offence, so i just got fined' i shrugged. 'But now.. Well I don't know what's gonna happen now' panic built inside me. Everyone was silent. 'What is it?' Sophia said quietly, 'what?' I asked confused. 'You know.. What drugs?' Oh. 'Amphetamine, speed, bit of cannabis' i shrugged. 'You could of told me, i could of got some stuff on the cheap' Zayn shrugged back. Receiving glares from the others. 'Harry! Are you having a laugh? This is so serious. I can't even explain how serious this is!' Liam shouted. 'I'm going to find her, I shouldn't have left her like it did' Zayn said quietly leaving the room, 'Lou? Can i borrow your car?' He reached into his pocket and threw him the keys, his eyes glazed over. 'As long as they can't prove we were dealing, then we'll be okay' I hoped out loud. No one said anything after that. We all sat in a numb silence, awaiting Zayn's return. I think Louis was worst affected. He was pacing up and down, never sitting still.
It must of being at least an hour of stillness from the rest of us until Zayn returned. My stomach dropped when i saw that he was crying.
'They've arrested her' he choked out.
The expression that time stands still, is utter bullshit. When faced with something so crazy that it's almost impossible to imagine, time doesn't stop. It never stops, it only quickens. The seconds of silence ticked on, and no matter how much the others cried, or how much i screamed at it to stop, it only seemed to get faster. And Em seemed to get further and further away from us all. I guess time is Mother Nature's way of saying 'fuck you'
And hell, did i feel so fucked right now.
I don't feel like i'm sat in a room of people. I feel like i'm watching everything behind a screen. A thousand miles away. All i could see was how this all started. And how i got her into this mess.
'Harry?' I heard Lou shout from upstairs. I went up the stairs and into his bedroom. 'Haz? This is Em' he grinned proudly. The girl sat beside him looked pretty nervous to meet me. She smiled slightly. 'I'm Harry' i smiled and glanced over her. She had on a short white dress, and her long hair was curled. She was pretty. 'Nice to meet you' she said quietly. 'Anyone want a drink?' Louis smiled at us both. I nodded and sat on his bed. 'I'm okay thanks' Em smiled. Okay she was definitely not Louis's type. Nonetheless we talked for a bit whilst Lou was downstairs and currently she was tapping her number into my phone. I fumbled in my pocket to fit my phone back in. 'Um.. Harry' she mumbled. 'Mm?' I questioned. 'You-you dropped this' she handed me a small bag of weed with shaking hands. 'Oh' i smiled slightly. 'Sorry' i stuffed it back i to my pocket. 'Could i.. Could i try it?' She blushed and looked down. Then i said the words that i have sort of regretted every since, if only i hadn't of said them, then Em would be here with us right now. Instead of the back of a patrol car. 'Sure you can' i answered.
#end of flashback#

Last part of this chapter xxxx

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