Tattoo roulette?

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Alice's POV
'I'm leaving, and that's the end of it' my Dad shouted at Mum. 'Please' she started crying again. Her head had to be stitched yesterday, so she had a white bandage on the back of her head. 'Well are you coming?' He turned to Harry, i felt my heart hammer in my chest. 'No' he shook his head, relief flooded me. 'You're not coming with me?' He asked again confused. 'Why?' He persisted. Harry held my hand and brought it up to show them both. 'We're together' he smiled. 'What? You are joking?!' My mum shouted. 'But-but, you're brother and sister! Its, its incest!' She shook her head in disbelief. 'We're not brother and sister, we aren't related at all, because you couldn't keep your damn legs shut' Harry shouted back. She went silent after that. We all did. I actually wanted to laugh. 'Harry, you're not staying here' Mum said quietly. 'Mum!' I shouted. My Dad shrugged, 'then it's settled, Harry you'll be coming with me' i turned to him, shocked. 'What about me Dad?' I felt tears well up. He looked at loss for words. 'Look, all of this is hypothetical anyway' Harry held my hand tighter. 'Because i'm moving out, and Alice is coming with me' he said confidently. 'She's not 18, she's not going anywhere' my Mum said quietly. 'She's 18 in 6 weeks!' He shouted back. 'Well, until then, she's staying here, with me' she shrugged. Harry laughed sarcastically, 'c'mon i'm not listening to this bullshit' he said as we walked out. 'Where are we going?' I asked excitedly. 'Anywhere you want baby'.
Niall's POV
'Morning' Charlotte said sleepily. I checked my watch, 'it's actually afternoon, but okay' i smiled. We were both silent. 'It's your birthday soon' i stated randomly. She nodded vaguely, still half asleep. 'On Saturday right?' I pretended not to know. She nodded again. 'Then you're finally 18' i smiled sitting on the bed beside her. 'Right' she nodded. 'Charlotte!' I heard her Dad shout from downstairs. 'Shit, he doesn't know i'm here does he?' I panicked and stood up. Charlotte sat forward, 'no' she said. 'Get out! Go! You need to leave' she said laughing. 'It's not funny! God your Mum will kill me!' I said trying not to laugh. 'Go to the bathroom, when i signal, run!' I processed the words, then left a chaste kiss on her lips and ran to the bathroom on the landing. 'Mum! Dad! Quick come here!' I heard her shout, 'what's up?' Someone shouted back. 'Just come here! It's urgent!' There was silence then the sound of feet pounding the stairs. I heard her bedroom door open, then shut and then Charlotte scream, 'it's a spider!' She shrieked. 'I wish it would just,' she paused 'GO!' She shouted. Guessing that was the sign? I tried to silently open the door then ran as fast as i could, down the stairs and out the back door, then a few houses down from hers and jumped into my car, fired it up and drove away fast. I plugged my phone into the car and switched on some Tyga.

I sang along to the lyrics, then paused when my phone started ringing, i kept one hand on the wheel and held the phone flat to my ear, 'hello?' I answered. 'Niall, tattoo roulette?' Harry said loudly, I instantly felt guilty upon hearing his voice. 'You know I don't' i say quietly. Tattoo roulette consisted of whoever was 'playing' drawing out a small tattoo design then jumbling them up and everyone choosing one randomly, then you have no choice but to have that design tattooed wherever you want. 'Yeah, i know, i just feel i should ask yanno?' I nodded, 'yeah, I appreciate it' he laughed. 'Alright, well i'll see you later then? Meet us in TGI's?' He asked, I hesitated, 'um, yeah, alright, bye' i cut off before he replied. I have to tell him, because i know Em will, no doubt about it. I have to tell him I slept with his girlfriend. I have to tell him, and pray both him, and Charlotte forgive me.

Alice+harry's 'parents' on the side, basically Alice's mum and Harry's dad xxxxxx

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