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"You can't just keep running from your problems, Tommy!"

We had appeared in my room and upon arriving unexpectedly, I had knocked over some things on my study table. The light lilac walls looked paler in the midday sun, but other than that, my room looked exactly as we had left it earlier.

"I'm sorry!" he sat on my bed and ran a hand through his brown hair. "I just couldn't take one more second in that room."

"Okay, alright, fine." I sighed, sitting on my computer chair beside him. I guess I understand him, I have to understand him. "But please warn me next time."

He nodded, and then proceeded to take a good look at my room. It was nothing special really, I had a vintage world map posted on the wall adjacent to me, some fairy lights, white and black furniture...it was simple, I didn't want to get too caught up in making it feel like my room because I knew that we could be leaving it anytime.

His eyes landed on the flags hung over my headboard. "Thirteen flags?" he reached for the last one, the flag of the United States.

"Fourteen." I corrected and pointed to the one he was touching. "Can't forget ol' 'Murica there."

"Must have been quite a childhood." He mused, standing over me. "Traveling all the time."

"Yeah," I snorted as I removed the bandage from my head. "I didn't have any friends the majority of the time, and when I did, I barely understood them." I stared at Tommy for a while before spinning my chair to face the table and arrange the things I had knocked over. I gestured to them. "These uh," I struggled to put words together. "These represent the countries where our safe houses are located."

He cocked a perfect eyebrow at me.

"There are three." I gathered the rock salts that had fallen out of the small glass bowl and held it out to him. "One is a few miles off of Lake Assal in Djibouti." I put it back on the table and got the silver-plated figurine of the UN symbol. "The second is a bunker in Switzerland." I gestured to the third item on the table which was a small Tour d'Eiffel and adjusted it. "This well, it's nothing." I chuckled. "I just love France; it's where my friends live. You know, the ones who helped me out."

He nodded. "Where's the third one?"

"I don't know, they never told me." I shook my head as my smile faded. "But that's probably where mom is."

Someone knocked on my door abruptly, making me jump in my seat. It opened and my dad poked his head in. "Ah, I knew I'd find you here."

"Hi dad," I smiled.

His eyes flickered to the worried boy beside me. "Hey Tommy."

Tommy gave him a small smile but said nothing.

Dad gently patted the door. "Anyway, I just wanted to check on you." He eyed me. "You still have your phone, right?"

I frowned. "No, I lost it in the crash."

"I figured." He smiled knowingly and pushed the door open, he walked up to me and handed me a white box with a red satin ribbon tied around it.

I instantly smiled, holding the box in my hands. "No way," I whispered in disbelief.

Dad just grinned. Then he yawned. "Well, I'm gonna get some sleep. Have fun with your new present!"

"Night, dad!" I said as he walked out of my room.

Tommy had his perfect eyebrows raised at me.

The smile never left my face as I opened the box and got the phone out, it was like holding a newborn baby. I got the charger cord with the adaptor and threw it behind me. "Who needs a charger?" I scoffed and held the phone in my hands before letting a little power surge off my fingertips. The phone lit up immediately. And seeing as dad already got a simcard installed, I just directly put it in my pocket.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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