"Who is supposed to make me waffles when you're touring?" I pouted.

"You'll have to find another boyfriend," Harry stated matter-of-factly. His facial features betrayed his convincing tone of voice as his lips ticked up in a smirk.

"You're right," I played along. "Maybe I could find a boyfriend who gets his hair cut more than once a year."

"Maybe you could find a boyfriend who can sing."

"Wouldn't that be something!" I feigned wonder. "I boyfriend who makes waffles, sings, and has great hair."

"They just don't make guys like they used to," Harry sighed.

We both erupted in a fit of laughter. When he laughed, his voice reached a new octave completely. Harry tossed his head back and his eyes squinted shut. His cheeks reddened and his white teeth were displayed by a contagious smile. Never mind the infectious sound, I loved the sight of Harry's laughter.

"Kate, are you going to miss me when I'm away?" Harry's laughter subsided and his tone was anything but joking. His face looked expectant and worried.

"Harry Styles, I am going to miss you like mad."

"Good," he smiled behind a forkful of waffle.


Harry took our empty plates to the sink and started running water. I hovered behind him and watched his muscles flex beneath his shirt as his hands worked under the tap. My eyes traced over the silver spoon and handshake tattoos on the back of his arm. I could watch him do the simplest tasks and be entirely captivated. No one had ever had such a hold on me before.

I glanced though the window above the sink and could see trees in the distance bow in submission the wind. A gloomy sky hung over the city and everything was coated in a shadowy color. I felt a chill run down my spine and I wrapped my arms around myself. The house felt cold suddenly.

"Harry," I hummed.

"Yeah, love?"

"I'm cold. Let's go back to bed."

His eyes moved from me to the dishes he was washing and then back to me. His lips formed a tight line. "You go up to bed and I'll finish these."

"Don't take too long," I said over my shoulder as I climbed the stairs to his bedroom.

I sat on my side of the bed with my feet dangling over the edge. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the wind whistling by. Its force rattled shutters on the house and there was the scratching sound of tree branches against the windows and bricks outside. I thought about how Harry had admitted he liked to sleep to the sound of the wind. I imagined him at night falling asleep to the whispers of wind outside.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after nine in the morning. A crippling bolt of painful realization struck me. In twenty-four hours, he will be gone. Exactly twenty-four hours from this very moment, Harry will have left me and I will be alone.

"Hi," he said quietly. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry removing his sweats. He crawled across the bed and sat cross-legged behind me.

"Hi," I smiled over my shoulder. "Glad you're back. I was starting to get lonely without you."

Harry didn't respond right away. His lips protruded in a pout and his eyes clouded over with thoughts I could not trace. I turned to face forward again. Just as I was about to move, two large hands rested on my shoulders and began slowly massaging. His fingers dug into my shoulders then released in a deliciously deep rhythm that was slowly erasing all the tension that had been building for months. Silence had moved into the room and the only sounds being made were from me as I released sighs and soft groans in response to Harry's hands.

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