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The woman was right when she said the food would be delectable. I had already finished six while rows of food before the waiter was complaining about me eating all of the food. I was ready to blast him into otherworld when I heard the woman announced over the device...

"And please ignore the short buff man in the corner who is eating all the food like a pig. There is more coming out so don't worry." She said jokingly.

Everybody laughed. I didn't.

The woman certainly knows how to get on my nerves. The woman was mistaken. I take pride in my height. Every person I've ever come across was intimidated by my height. My height is the reason why I'm faster and stronger than anyone else. My height always left my enemies thinking they could outdo me. They thought I was small and insignificant, but they were mistaken every time. I was strong and I was powerful. But here she was making a joke out of it. The nerve of that woman.

"Since you're single now, are you looking to have a good time?"

I almost choked on the food I was now swallowing. Who said that? I looked around and my eyes landed on the imbecile who was brave enough to question my woman in such a manner. How dare he feel comfortable and how did he know she didn't have a mate? She looked bothered by the question just as I was. I was glad she took no curiosity in the insolent weakling. But I was outraged that he thought he was going to show my woman a good time. How dare he think of my woman that way? I was going to blast him, the woman couldn't save him. I looked up to see her coming my way, but she was quickly blocked from my view. Whoever he was, he was going to learn not to cross paths with my woman.

There was too many people in this event. But that didn't stop me from getting to the woman. She had her back to me which gave me the chance to surprise her from behind. My saiyan ears picked up her voice instantly, she sounded annoyed. When I got directly behind her I easily slid my hands around her waist and pulled her to my body.

She instantly relaxed and she didn't sound annoyed anymore. I was not the one for public affection for it was my forte. But to keep her calm and relaxed I would let it go. I looked at the man that approached her and the look on his face meant he was aggravated that I was even there. I didn't have to say a word, I just simply smirked. With that he walked away. He annoyed me when he voiced he would come back for the woman. He was an idiot if he thought I would allow such a thing to happen.

"Thank you." She said in a sigh.

"Anything to keep pest like him away." I replied softly.

"Well he isn't the only one you know."

"Then I should turn this event into a blood charity."

"You're a month early for that event." She said laughing.

"Tch. Well then, who's to say this can't be the opening for that event?"

"Me. Now what are you still doing here? Your five minutes passed like twenty minutes ago."

"I was enjoying the food before you called me a short man."

"Oh. Sounds like I struck a nerve."

"Don't worry, because when I scorch something valuable of yours, you will learn."

She turned around and had that glare in her eyes. I couldn't help but smirk.

"If you scorch my lab, I'm scorching the gravity machine." She replied with an evil smile.

"Ha! Not even in your dreams woman."

"Test me Vegeta, I have no problem showing you and you know this."

I groaned when she said that. It took me back to when she stole my energy away from me.

We were going back and forth. It's rather entertaining when we end up like this. We go on and on only to stop when our attentions are focused somewhere else. Despite the fact that it's mostly maddening and irritating to argue with the woman, sometimes I find enjoyment in it. It was just her voice and her eyes, that's all it took. I didn't care for the event or the people around. I only cared for the food and the woman.

The woman looked beyond beautiful tonight. She was wearing one of the royal colors from my home planet. Royal Blue. All I could contemplate was she looked beautiful and astonishing in the royal colors.

"Woman, I'm taking leave now." I said almost in a whisper.

"Awe Vegeta don't leave yet! I need a bodyguard from all the lookers in here."

"These fools will cause you no harm."

"You don't know that, now use those muscles for a good purpose for once."

"Woman, you're mistaken if you suppose these fools have an adequate amount of energy to harm you."

"Vegeta... Please?" She begged. Oh how I wanted to hear that demand in another tone.

I wanted to leave, so I could train. I knew I would be wasting my time here with the woman. However, another part of me wanted to keep a watch since she felt threatened. I didn't want my woman to feel vulnerable especially if I wasn't around.

"Mine." I said to myself. I hadn't yet voiced to her how I really felt. Telling her would cause a lot of trouble. The woman irked my nerves, yet calmed them at the same time. I thought so much of her, yet I held back from her. A part of me would do anything for her but I felt as if I wasn't ready to face the aftermath.


"Yee thanks so much Vegeta! She replied while jumping up and down.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and turned away. I had to walk away before my true emotions got the best of me.

"Have a good time." She yelled at my back.

I waved my hand showing I heard her. I had no plans to have a good time. I just wanted to eat and watch the woman in peace.


I had pushed away almost every idiot that crossed her path. Some of the idiots called me possessive. So what? She was mine and I didn't want anyone hovering her. The rest of the idiots took the hint. But what got me most when some fat man said I was her abusive ex-boyfriend. Has he not seen the weakling before? I looked nothing like him and yet here he was name calling. Right when I was ready to blast the man, she jumped in front of me.

"You're in the way woman!" I said trying to get her out of the way.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't blast anyone in the event?"

"I didn't agree to any claim, now move out of the way woman."

"You said and I quote "I will not blast anyone in this blasted event." Now do you remember?"

"When did I declare this nonsense?"

"Forty-Five minutes ago Vegeta." She said looking at the device on her wrist.

"I do not recall, now move out of the way."

"No Vegeta." She replied as she grabbed my hand. I felt the electricity again.

"Woman, don't delay his demise."

"Vegeta! Behave." She said through gritted teeth. I would usually pay no attention to her but I couldn't this time. She was still holding my hand.

"Fine." I said looking away from her.

"Thank you. Now behave!" She said very excited.

I walked away and proceeded back to my section of the room. I didn't desire any more food for I had enough.

I had to keep my eye on my woman and keep away the pest who would try to take what's mine. And there he was kissing the woman's face. It burned to witness such an action. All I could think right now was "He is going to enjoy the otherworld."

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