Starting Over

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I was expecting to wake up in the Otherworld when I felt the sun hit my face. I didn't fix Vegeta's bots like he demanded and I didn't plan to right away. It was morning and that meant it was a new day. Did I still feel hurt? Yes. But that was yesterday and as they say, the past is the past, move on. I wasn't going to stress myself thinking of this man, I mean he never stressed over me, he was busy stressing over other girls and how to impress them. Forget about him, why am I even thinking of him? I smiled as I stretched out my limbs. I looked over at my door and was suddenly reminded about last night. "That damn Vegeta!" I thought.

As I entered the kitchen, the Prince was in his usual seat waiting for breakfast to be served. I felt the impulse to toss the closest object at his face but I just simply rolled my eyes and grabbed my usual cup of coffee.

"Oh Good Morning dear, breakfast is almost finished, take a seat." Bunny said happily.

"I'm not hungry mom." I said in a sigh.

"Oh you must eat something dear, you have to keep that mind of yours healthy."

"My mind isn't going to fall apart just because I skipped a meal." I said while blowing on my coffe.

"Okay dear, you can grab a bite when you're ready." She spoke calmly.

"I'll eat later." I sipped my coffee hoping she would leave our discussion alone.

"Oh dear before I forget Yamcha called yesterday, I told him you were asleep" she said with the liveliest smile. "That Yamcha is such a sweetie isn't he dear?"

My eyes went wide when she said his name. That man wasn't a sweetie, not even close. The nerve of him to call me after what he put me through. I couldn't believe him. My mind went blank as I tried to think of the new situation he just created. I was suddenly pulled out of whatever I was trying to think, when I heard Vegeta grunt at the sound of Yamcha's name being said.

I smiled when I realized I wasn't the only one who disliked Yamcha.

"It's over between us, I broke up with him." I said quietly while rolling my eyes.

"Oh again?"

"Yes and for the last time" I said getting worked up. I meant every word. This was the last time I would date him. I gave him numerous chances that he never deserved. "I'm moving on and he should too" I said with no emotion.

"Oh dear is that why you were crying in your sleep? I didn't know you love birds were separated again." She said calmly.

My mother sure knew how to make an unhappy moment sound like it wasn't a problem in the first place. She made it seem like we were children who just had a fight and would get back together the next day. Then it hit me she said I was crying in my sleep.

"What do you mean I was crying in my sleep?" I said with a blank expression.

"I saw your door was open and heard you crying dear."

"My door wasn't open, someone broke it down!" I said loudly. Leaving my mother puzzled. Looking at Vegeta, giving him the only glare, wishing it would burn a hole in that face of his.

Laughing at me, he simply replied "You asked for it woman."

"I asked for it?! How did I ask for my door to be broken down Vegeta?" I shouted.

"You slammed the door in my face." He said as he had the only smirk I loved, but hated at this moment.

"I slammed it in your face, because I didn't want to be disturbed. Do you not understand when someone doesn't want to be disturbed or you don't know what that means?"

"If you didn't want to be disturbed you should have never answered your door."

"Oh yea like that would have worked!" I hissed.

He simply laughed and that bothered every fiber of my being. How dare he? But it was something about his laugh that stole my attention. It wasn't his well-known evil sinister laugh, and it wasn't his usual laugh he gave to the guys after they fought. This laugh sounded pure of delight like he enjoyed giving me a hard time but yet enjoyed that we were even speaking to each other after last night's issue.

"What the hell is so funny?" I asked hoping he would tell me.

"You." He said still laughing.

"Me?" I said with confusion written all over my face.

"Yes woman, I find you funny." He stared at me. And I stared right back.

We stared at each other so long, that we both didn't even realize my mother set breakfast on the table. We were both having a staring contest before my mother interrupted letting us know breakfast was ready.

He ended our little game, diving head first into the plate of eggs and bacon. "Pig!" I spoke before turning and leaving the kitchen and heading back to my room to plan the rest of the day.

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