A Realization

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It had been three weeks since I had broken up with Yamcha. He still calls time to time leaving messages saying he wants me back and how he's for real this time. But I knew the honest truth behind what he was truly saying. There was no way I was falling for it this time. Nope. Not me. I didn't have to worry about him anymore and I was glad.

I was in the lead with life. Capsule Corp. was doing its usual numbers and we were successful in all areas. My father was working on new technology with the help of a company we just signed a joint venture with. Everything was proving wonderful. The only thing bothering me right now was my status being printed on the Capsule Corp. magazines as me being the "Young, Sexy Single Scientist!" I swear if I discover the person who put this together, they would pay dearly. One thing I knew for sure was that I was now a walking target. Don't get me wrong I love attention, but not this kind of attention.

I was working on the update for the gravity room when Mr. Asshole Elite came storming in.

"I'm working on the updates now, please don't blow anything else up." I said calmly as I could.

If I understood anything from Vegeta I knew he was serious. I learned the hard way.

He made sure he held his promise to destroy my lab. I was grateful he didn't destroy the whole thing. I failed to produce his toys and he turned a whole section of my lab into a scorch. I was speechless and overwhelmed by sadness and anger. I couldn't move. All the projects I was working on was now either dust or broken into pieces I could never put back together. That jerk was going to pay for this and I was working on a side project while updating his stupid training room.

I was creating an energy reflector. The purpose was to take away his energy and use it back on him. Since he liked threatening me and blowing things up in my lab to get what he wants, I figured I could do the same. "Let's see how he enjoys it when I destroy his training room." I thought wickedly.

"Woman did you hear me?" he said loudly as he pulled me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked honestly. Hoping he would just leave.

"What? Would you like me to blast the rest of your lab woman? "Did you hear that?" He said harshly.

"If you blast anything else in my lab you will regret it." I shot back at it him roughly. My project was still in the process of being made, but I didn't care. Prototype or not I was going to test this bad boy right now.

"I would like to train and you are delaying my training time by sitting here doing nothing."

"I in fact was preparing something, your highness!" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Preparing to take a nap?"

"Hmm I was preparing that too." I said mockingly.

"Woman I will blast this lab if you continue to delay my training!"

"Don't you think you've done enough blasting in my lab already?"

"Not quite." He smirked.

"Go train elsewhere, I'm working."

"Well I can't do that since you are becoming sluggish at your job."

"Well go knock down a tree or something, I'm busy." I said as I was putting the reflector on my hand. It just about resembled the Ironman hand laser, instead it didn't have all of the bulky armor. It was simply a glove connected to a ring that I could easily slip on and off when I wanted to.

"Can you please leave my lab, I can't focus when the prince of assholes is burning a hole in the back of my head." I said calmly. I was trying to keep him away so he wouldn't know what I was doing.

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