Breakup cont.

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The ride back to Capsule Corp., felt longer than usual. She couldn't remove the image of her then boyfriend having sex with somebody other than her. He may have done it behind her back but to see it up close and personal hit her hard. The image was as clear as day to her and every passing minute it seemed like the image wouldn't go away. Her passenger seat was now occupied with crumbled tissues and a half empty box soon to be changed. She exited the car and walked sluggishly towards her residence. What she witnessed exhausted whatever energy she had, she wasn't up for any tasks. The only thing on her mind was to sleep away the sorrow she was feeling.

She couldn't understand the pain she was feeling. Trying to figure out the pain only made her go into deep thought. She didn't have to deal with this man no more. For all she cared he can get hit by a car and he damn sure deserved it is how she felt. Then she thought of the memories of the actual good times they had together that made her smile and scowl at the same time. It bothered her terribly.

She let her thoughts go as she walked in the front door. She was instantly welcomed by her mother the minute she strolled in. She in all honesty didn't want to deal with her mother right now. Her mother was too jolly for her mood at the moment. She just desired to get some sleep right now. But she was automatically stopped by the smiling woman.

"Oh hello dear, how was your day? Your father was looking for you" my mother said as she took what I assumed to be dinner out of the oven.

"Oh" I quietly said. I continued upstairs where I would lock the door and stay for the rest of the day and night.

Bulma crashed onto her bed and didn't move an inch. Her day was ruined and right now she craved sleep. She didn't want to think about anything else. Whatever her father wanted right now could wait. She knew she wouldn't be focused and her intellect wasn't where it should be at the moment. Closing her eyes was the easiest thing she did today and it made her feel a bit better. Her body felt numb as she let sleep takeover.


I was awoken to thunderous banging at my door and only one person came to mind. Vegeta. If today wasn't bad, it was only meant to get worse. My sorrow turned into anger now. I opened my door to be met with the only person I liked and despised at the same time. The Prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta himself.

"Woman where have you been all day?" he yelled. I was immediately bothered by the volume of his voice.

"What do you want Vegeta?" I answered back harshly.

"Those training bots you invented have been destroyed, I demand you repair them at once!" he said in one whole breath sharply.

"Bring it to my father, I'm not in the mood for reconstructing your toys right now."

"That old man is not around, so you're going to fix them now!"

"I don't have to fix anything with that attitude Prince of no one!" I yelled back at him. I was beyond annoyed at this point. I wasn't going to deal with Vegeta's attitude, at least not right now. I quickly slammed my door in his face trusting it would teach him a lesson to not bother me again for the night.

I was wrong.

"MY DOOR!" I screamed as I saw what was left of my door in pieces on the floor.

"Woman I will not stand disrespect from you or no one on this damned planet!" he roared.

"Then how about you get off this damned planet and find someone who cares!" I answered back.

"Just fix my training bots woman. What the hell is the problem?" he asked.

"What the hell is my problem? My Problem? My problem is when some egotistical maniac breaks my door down for some stupid training toys!"

"I will not stand for the disrespect woman" He responded quickly.

"DISRESPECT! DISRESPECT!? You just broke down my bedroom door in my HOUSE!" I screamed. He was not getting away with this. He had another thing coming if he thought I was going to be fixing his bots now!

"You're fixing my door! I huffed.

"Pfft. You're the genius, fix it yourself. I want my bots fixed by tonight woman." He said as he walked away like as if our conversation never took place.

"How dare you!?" I yelled at his back. I watched as he continued to walk away as if I hadn't vocalized a word.

I faced enough anxiety today and the asshole Prince added more to the list. Great. "What's next?" I asked myself as I sat down on my bed and started contemplating what I should do.

And I did the opposite of what the asshole wanted done. His toys would be created whenever I felt like it. Right now I needed nothing but peace and silence. Closing my eyes once more I let sleep takeover.

A/N: So I uploaded a second chapter because the first one was short. Please let me know if your following or even like where the story is heading so I know to upload the next chapter. Thanks.
Peace & Love
-BeautyfullSoul 😊

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