"It's ok. You're free." I smile and stare at him as he does the same to me before flying out of the window.

I turn my attention back to my filthy room. It's not bad, but that's coming from someone who has lived under the stairs like Harry Potter. For some reason I cleaned my room especially fast. I guess I wanted it to seem like I was at home but I knew that would never happen.

Once I arrange the room the way I want I begin putting up my posters and I have a lot. I cover up the white/brown walls with famous bands I love to album covers to just fan art I've made myself. It's terrible but it's better than the ugly color that is the wall.

"SOPHIA!!!!" I hear my ratchet mother yell from the end of the hallway as I hear her draw nearer to my room.

"Did you finish your–" She pauses once she sees my finished work.

"Oh Sophia." She looks at the posters and artwork that fill up my wall. "You're still into all those weird bands?! Uh I thought that that was just a phase you were going through. Uhh and are you still making these ugly things you call art?" She holds up one of my latest drawings, crumbles it up and throws it in the trash.

Millions of words going through my head right now but I know better. Like always, I stay quiet while she insults my terrible art.

"Anyway I hope you finished everything cause your father and I are going out." Try not to get arrested this time.

"Where?" I ask looking at her in her face.

"We have to register you and what's his name into that school thing." That thing you dropped out of.

"I can't believe you actually want to go to this. Why? I dropped out as soon as I got the chance and so did your father and we're doing just fine." Sure you are.

"The school isn't that far away it's only a couple blocks down so I'm sure you can find some way to get you and your brother there." Sure cause ya know I've been taking myself to school since I was like six.

"Well bye! Oh and make dinner would ya?!" She screams in that screechy voice of hers.

Of course I do as I'm told. I go to the kitchen and grab the little amount of food we have. The rule is I have to cook for my parents first then myself and Tate but there's hardly ever enough for Tate and I.

For some reason we always have Ramon noodles even if it is completely unhealthy, but that's pretty much all we own. I never eat it though, we usually have some vegetables that I have to get myself and I'll try to make myself a salad or something.

Back at my old "home" I had a job at a small video store on the corner of our street. Even there I didn't have any friends. My boss was a dick and my coworkers were all fifty years old. The only thing I liked about that play was the music. All the bands on my wall were all the bands that would play in the store. That's the only thing I miss about that place.

As I was thinking about my old job I thought it'd be best to try to find a new one as soon as I can. After I finish making dinner I leave it in the microwave in case they want to reheat it.

"Tate?!" I call for my brother, who's playing outside with a stick because what else does he have to play with?

"Come on, we're going out." I grab his hand and my phone and walk down the street, not knowing where to go.

Like I said our neighborhood is in the middle of no where so we had to walk a longs way to find anything.

The first thing I see happens to be the job I had before. I walk in to a small shop and I feel instantly warm. There are albums everywhere and I can already hear "Sugar We're Going Down" through the the speakers.

"Can I help you?" A man walks out of the back room, carrying a box of CDs.

"Umm hi. My name is Sophie Daniels and I literally just moved here and was kinda hoping for a job?" I asks trying to sound sweet. He scans me head to toe and takes a couple seconds before speaking.

"You start tomorrow." He says before walking into the back room yet again.

"Wait what?" I ask following him.

"Only staff is aloud in the back." He tells me and I step back.

"But I thought I am staff." I ask confused.

"No, I said you start tomorrow."

"So you're gonna hire me just like that?" I ask.

"Well should I not?" He says putting the box of CDs back down.

"N-No." I say in a low voice.

"Look Sammy, you have potential I can already tell. You haven't given me a reason not to trust you so that's why I gave you a job." He smiles and walks to where I can't see him anymore.

"It's actually, Sophie!" I say hoping he heard me.

"And I didn't get your name!"

"It's Andrew!" He yells back to me and smile knowing that I get to come back here tomorrow.

"Well that was easy." Tate says and I smile back at him as we head home.

I see a car in the driveway so that could only mean one thing.

"Mom and Dad are home." Tate whispers and I grab his hand and hold it tight.

"Sophia! Good you're home! Where's dinner?!" My mom walks up to me tripping over her own feet.

"It's in the microwave, where it always is."

"Well don't just stand there. Go get it for me!" She points to the kitchen.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" My father comes in the room as always, screaming for no reason.

"I got a job." I mumble, poring the noodles for my mother.

"What WAS THAT? Speak up young lady!" He grabs my wrist with his meaty hand.

"I. Got. A. Job." I say louder and he throws my hand down.

"Good because you're gonna need it!" He grabs his bowl of noodles and slumps over on the couch.

My mother does the same and I look in the bowl to reveal only about a spoonful of noodles. Tate looks at me with bright eyes.

"Here." I say handing him the bowl, which eat eats, and I go to my room without dinner as I prepare for my day to start all over again.

Broken Home -L.HWhere stories live. Discover now