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I hope Troye checked his Twitter. I have something to tell him, but I need to tell him in person, we have known each other for almost 3 years now. Every time we do a troyler colab I get so many tweets and so many coments about how troyler is real. I really wish it was to be honest.

I want to be able to wake up next to him every morning and be able to spend a night in with him watching half of a movie before giving up and end up making out on the couch for the rest of the movie.

I get a call from Troye.

"Hello, Troye. How are you?"

"I'm excited, tylah I have something I need to tell you when we get there, I need to tell you in person."

"Okay, Troye are you okay?" I ask. He knows exactly what I'm trying to ask.

"Tylah, something happened. And I really need to talk to someone about it but I can't do it over the phone, I'm getting on an airplane right now. I'll be there soon. Talk to you later. Bye"

Just like that he hung up on me. I start running through the possibilitys in my head;

Did he tell his parents?

If he did, how did his parents react?

Did he start cutting again?

Did..... and I stop myself before I could even finish the thought.

Its 2 in the afternoon, I should upload a video, but I have no ispiration. I turn to tumblr. I post "If y'all have some questions post them in the coments or post them using the hastag #ASKTYLERANYTHING" Within 15 miniutes I had over 1 thousand coments and the hashtag was trending worldwide. This is why I love you guys so much.

I screenshot over 30 questions and start my video.

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