I pulled into the Starbucks parking lot got out and lifted the hood of my car where the storage compartment was located, pulling out my laptop before heading in. I ordered a drink and found a comfortable corner and got online to go over the information on Brad once more.

He lived in an apartment just outside of the city which was set up for him by the company. I was given the access codes and schematics' for the building along with instructions for gaining access to his office in the city. Thirty minutes into reviewing the information received a text from Morgan asking me where I was.

Morgan: Hey, I'm in your area of town are you home?

Lacey: Starbucks 4365 W Irving Park Rd.

Morgan: Be there is 15.

I jotted down the important information and started packing up my laptop when Morgan arrived. "Hey Lace," she said leaning down and hugging me.

"Captain," I answered.

"You know Lace you don't have to address me as Captain anymore we're civilians." She smiled. "Yeah until they call us back," I grumbled knowing although I was discharged the military was still able to call be back without notice for a few years.

"True but you served longer than the required years so it won't be long till your free unless you do something stupid like signing up again." she laughed.

"Hey it wasn't a stupid idea the first time, it made me who I am, stronger. smarter, I don't regret it I just want a normal life now that's all. ' I sighed.

"With Amelia?" she asked all joking aside.

"I don't know, maybe," I answered honestly.

She looked saddened by my admission and turned to look out the window, blowing out a breath she turned back to me. "I'm happy for you Lacey, you deserve to find love again." She smiled. "now fill me in on this Bastard and what does he have to do with your girl." I smiled at the thought of Amelia being my girl, I could only hope.

We sat in Starbucks for a couple of hours, I explain the situation with Brad and what he and his friends tried to do at Amelia's party last month, I told her of the encounter with him before we met up with he last night and how he mentioned the video. She was shocked, to say the least, and understood now why I was so adamant on going through his files.

We went over the plan, part of Morgan's team was set up outside of the apartment doing surveillance., while the others were going to work on hacking into the buildings security. "My client owns the building I'm sure would be willing to assist us with anything we need," I told her.

"That may be true but whatever we find we don't want him implicated in any way, " she answered. "Depending on what we find my team doesn't work directly for him, we can fill you in on the details and he can file a complaint or follow the process his company should have in place for situations like this."

"So you're just going to pull some black ops shit and leave me sitting on the sidelines?" I growled. "not going to happen."

"Look, Lace, I know this is your assignment, but this is bigger than you and me if this guy is the one involved in the theft he needs to be stopped and it needs to be done right, " she countered. I clenched my fist still angry but knowing she was right. "Anything I find on Amelia I will retrieve or delete, if necessary, you know I'll do whatever it takes Lacey." She sighed.

I nodded and reached into my laptop bag pulling out an external hard drive the size on my palm. "This is for anything relating to Amelia and only if it doesn't put the assignment in jeopardy," I said handing it to her.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now