Chapter 25

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I woke up that morning with my head resting on Jay's bare chest, one of his hands was tracing rings around my upper arm, and the other was holding his phone and scrolling through some texts.

"Mitchell and Sinead arrived down south last night, they're up for meeting today – if your up for it?" Jay told me, placing his phone back onto the bedside table. I nodded, feeling so content with everything that had happened.

Later that day we all met up in the park: Jay and I, Mitchell and Sinead, Liliana and Scott (who, like Jay, had moved away from the island), and Gabrielle, Lance and Josh. Jay visited Josh almost everyday, and once Gabby saw how committed Jay was to me and how he was with Josh, she knew he wasn't going anywhere any time soon, so allowed him to spend time with his son. I have to say, nothing makes me happier than the look on Jay's face when he's pushing Josh on the swing, or playing football with him.

It turns out Lance and Gabby have actually been dating for at least a year now, which shows just how much attention I paid to my brother's life. They're both happy, and I don't feel any threat from Gabrielle, she's very content in her relationship, and I think Jay is too. Whatever strong amounts of love Jay used to have for Gabby are definitely not there anymore, or at least, that's what Liliana said, when we were sat on a bench away from everyone else, catching up on each others lives.

"He never looked at me like that. That's why I got so annoyed when he paid any attention to you, because he never looked at me like that. He doesn't even look at Gabby like that. Maybe he used to, but he certainly doesn't now." Lil told me, in a hushed tone, so Jay couldn't here. We watched all six members of our new friendship group scurry after Josh, playing fun games with him.

"Is it the same look that Scott gives you?" I asked and she nodded. "How did you guys even end up getting together? I was so caught up in my own world that I never even noticed, and then he was suddenly around us all the time." I laughed at my stupid ignorance.

Liliana shrugged, "After the tornedo he showed me around, and I was still getting over mine and Jay's breakup, so a break from seeing you too together was greatly received. We just got on so well; better than I ever did with Jay."

"Hey, come on guys! We're going to play stuck in the mud." Sinead jogged over, taking both of our hands and dragging us out into the field with everyone else. Before we started playing, Mitchell said he had an announcement.

"So, guys, um... Sinead and I are moving away from Ireland and we're getting an apartment down here!" We all cheered and gave them huge hugs, when suddenly Mitchell started slapping each of us and shouting: "YOU'RE STUCK!" Little Josh and Jay were the only two to miss Mitchell's playful slaps, so Jay picked up Josh, threw him into the air slightly to get a better grip and then ran around, unstucking us all; Josh giggling the whole way. All of us then ran at Mitchell pinning him to the ground until he begged for mercy.

Lance and Gabby then had to leave, taking Josh with them, as did Liliana and Scott. We all waved goodbye and the four of us that were left walked through the small wood area that was next to the park and field.

"I'm so glad you guys are staying down here!" I exclaimed, smiling at Sinead and Mitchell. The couple exchanged nervous glances before looking back at Jay and I.

"My sister died last week." Was all Sinead managed to squeak out.

"Shouldn't you stay with your family then?" I asked, concerned.

"Like you can talk." Sinead snarled at me. I was so taken aback, that I looked to Jay for defence; Sinead never says anything like that to anyone. "Sorry, Kadie. I just need to get away - it was a drug and alcohol thing, but my parents have each other, and I have Mitchell and you guys. It's tough, but that's life, right?"

I nodded empathetically, "Yeah. That's life." Jay's arm slithered around my waist, keeping me close to him.

"That's life." He agreed, kissing the top of my head. "Never the fairytale you expect it to be."

"Preach to that." Mitchell said solemnly.

That night we drove down to the beach, just the four of us, and Liliana. Like the true hipsters we were, Jay and Liliana started up a fire, and we all sat around it on the pebbles of the British beach, blankets wrapped around our shoulders despite it being summer. We talked through memories of the island non-stop, but sometimes we just sat in silence, taking in each others company.

Mitchell then popped open the bag of marshmallows and slid them onto the end of some skewers to roast over the fire.

I leaned my head onto Jay's shoulder, "Thank you," I whispered, while the other three were arguing over the final marshmallow, "For looking after me, and getting me to open up to you. If it weren't for you, who knows what kind of mess I'd still be apart of." I turned my head and kissed him, my hand tracing along his jawline, that was sprinkled with stubble.

"Yeah, you too, without you I never would have found Josh." We kissed again. "I have something for you." He reached into his jean pocket and handed me a chain, on the end was a tiny bottle, with a message inside. I subconsciously reached for the one Michael gave me, still wrapped protectively round my neck. "I know that the meaning of whatever is written on that one is more important to you than the fact that Michael gave it to you, and if you want to wear that one rather than this one that's fine, but I just-" I kissed him, shutting him up. I pulled out the little cork in the bottle and took the message out from it.

I was never the hero, you were never the damsel in distress – we both saved each other, and that's better than any fairytale. I love you, and I know we can face anything together: no problem.

I rolled up the note and wrapped the tiny ribbon around it again, sliding it back into its bottled home. I caught Jay's gaze, and took off the necklace from Michael and dropped it into the fire, still roaring away next to us, and replaced it with his.

"Thank you."

"Did you really have burn fireman's one? I thought the message was sentimental."

"Nah, I prefer this one." I told him, smiling.

"Good, I had hoped you'd say that." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. We sat there; still listening to the other three arguing over the last marshmallow, before Jay finally pinched it, the three of them outraged, while I laughed.

In that moment, everything was exactly how it should be, and as I watched Michael's necklace burn, and the fire growl with excitement at its new meal, I knew that everything turned out exactly how it should have. Tomorrow may be different, problems will always arise, like Sinead's sister dying, and I'm still not 100% over my dad's death, and maybe I never will be. But that's okay, because as long as moments like this keep happening then I know I'll be happy.

"Jay?" I whispered, looking straight into his eyes, I was sat on his lap, the blanket wrapped all the way around us, keeping us tight together. I ran my fingers under his shirt, and rubbed my hand along his chest.

"Yes?" He replied with a smirk.

I leaned right next to his ear, "Get a bloody job."

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