Tough Question

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You know that feeling of loneliness that suddenly attacks you 

out of the blue? 

I'm having that feeling now. 

Worse, i've had it the whole day. 

It feels so sad 

when u realize 

that ur still so insecure 

because there's no one around u 

that u really trust. 

It's a very depressing feeling 

knowing that u really have no friends, just co-workers who u co-exist. 

When u think about the people 

that u believe to be ur friends, 

they can't really be around 

when u want them to... 

Although sometimes 

u just don't want to be around them. 

It's so sad 

that i am still like this, 

no security of emotion. 

I haven't grown up emotionally, 

it's really sad. 

Sometimes, i think about death 

as an easy escape. 

So I wouldn't need to think 

about how to live anymore. 

I feel my life is so boring and useless. What a nonsense life. 

My biggest question now is 

how to live my life 

if i ain't to die yet. 

Tough question.

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